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Rebecca agrees to babysit Hebecca, and then Greg comes over to tell her how he feels. They get distracted by Rebecca thinking the baby hates her, but eventually are able to get her to bed and then sleep together when Greg reveals that he still has feelings for her. They decide to start a relationship up again, and Rebecca bonds with Hebecca.

Then when Rebecca goes to Paula's house to celebrate, she reveals to her how excited she is about her new relationship, which Nathaniel overhears.

Paula throws a game night which is actually her trying to celebrate graduating without letting anyone know it happened. She ends up telling the truth to everyone when no one takes the game seriously and are fighting and Paula gets frustrated that this wasn't how she wanted it to be. Everyone is surprised and Paula promises to celebrate herself more as she deserves.

Nathaniel and Josh can't figure out how to win since they don't get each other, so they bond with sports and a song. They end up bonding more and even become slight friends because of it. Meanwhile, Valencia is mad at Hector and that continues for the whole game night which they lose because of it. 

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

Josh: This is three names. First is a creature from an animated movie and the last one is another movie, not animated, about a guy who is super smart and speaks in an accent.
Nathaniel: What?

I just came over to see Rebecca. Nothing more than that happened. Hey, can I wash some of these toys? No reason. I just want to help out and wash some of these floor toys for you.
