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Reid visits Cat Adams in jail, to find out where Lindsey is holding his mother. She plays cat-and-mouse head games with him. Meanwhile the BAU is trying to track Lindsey. Prentiss puts up an Amber Alert with Lindsey as the abductor. Cat tells Reid she's pregnant with his baby. Cat said Lindsey stole Reid's sperm while he was drugged by pretending to be Maeve. Lindsey is in love with Cat, and the team fears that she will kill Diana to get back at Reid. A man at a gas station gets the Amber Alert and sees Lindsey, but she shoots him when he tries to call 911. Reid starts to walk away, but Cat says she'll let Reid talk to Diana. Reid hears gunfire and thinks Lindsey killed Diana, then he attacks Cat before JJ pulls him off. Reid figures out Cat's game. A guard, Lionel Wilkins, worked at both prisons and is Cat's informant. Lindsey took Diana to Lionel's home. Then Lindsey shoots him and sets up bombs at the house. Cat tells Reid it's a trap. Cat is actually pregnant by Wilkins. Lindsey saw Reid and Cat's conversation by camera, and puts down the bomb trigger and surrenders. Reid and Diana are reunited. Morgan comes to see Prentiss. He'd received a text from Garcia trying to get him to come to a nonexistent safe house. The BAU heads there, but spike mats across the road stop their vehicles, then they are hit by a semi.

Criminal Minds
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