Social Climbing - Cruel Summer
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A message on screen reveals the events take place on June 26th, 1993, 1994 and 1995.

In 1993, Kate is wearing a new fitness outfit from her mother.

In 1994, Kate is withdrawn from her mother’s help; her ears have closed up from jewelry after being a kidnapped. She’s not excited to see Renee or Tenile.

In 1995, Kate is a burnout listening to grunge music (“Zombie”). She has memory hallucinations to when she was held prisoner in Martin’s basement.

In 1993, Kate, Jeanette, and their mothers are taking the same step classes. Jeanette and her mother have an awkward run-in with them and offer a girls’ day. Kate politely agrees to hangout.

In 1994, Jamie pulls Kate from the water after he finds her in the bathtub underwater. She talks about all the things she missed in the last few months. Jamie tells her how he met Jeanette and when they started dating.

In 1995, Kate is watching a news report about how Martin is becoming a sensation. Kate reveals her new bellybutton piercing. Her step-father asks her how she’s feeling ahead of the trial.

In 1994, Kate is cold toward her mother and her friends; she admits that Jeanette wouldn’t have told anyone the truth. In 1993, Kate overhears her step-father on the phone talking to Candace Johnson about them saving sex and having an affair.

Kate’s mother reveals how she and her step-father got together. Kate’s mother reveals she doesn’t like Cindy Turner because Cindy envies her and wants to be her. She warns that Jeanette might be a creep like Cindy. Kate warns against Candace.

At the country club, a group of men cheers to football. Martin meets Kate’s step-father.

In 1993, at the convenience store, Ben gives Jeanette, Mallory, and Vince ideas for pranking. In 1995, Ben is being interviewed by the lawyers and talks about the meeting he had set-up between Jamie/Jeanette. Ben doesn’t know who to believe in the Kate vs. Jeanette story; something bad happened to him at the end of the previous summer. He blames Jeanette for causing the series of events that hurt him.

In 1994, Greg and Derek see Kate’s parents at the party; they’re surprised to see them out. Derek is a high school graduate and working the party. Derek’s friend Tucker tells him that a rumor is going on that Jeanette knew about Kate being kidnapped. In 1993, Kate spots her step-father walking away with Candace.

In 1994, Kate views Jamie’s beeper and sees a message about him meeting someone later that night; Jamie lies to her about the meeting. In 1993, Kate tells her mother about the phone call she overheard, but her mother denies the accusations. Kate explores the house to find Candace and Rod planning a cruise for Kate’s parents; Kate apologizes to her mother, but her mother chastises her.

In 1993, Kate’s mother gives a speech welcoming Martin Harris. In 1994, Kate’s mother gives a speech to the country club about finding strength. In 1995, the speech is about overcoming the evil in town. In 1993, Mallory, Jeanette, and Vince play a prank by throwing balloons filled with shaving cream into the crowd.

In 1994, Kate joins a chatroom talking with other survivors of abuse. In 1993, Scott Jones (her family’s landscaper) finds her drunks in a playground; Kate thinks her mother hates her and a lot of other things. Scott offers to take her home.

In 1994, Jeanette meets Jamie in the same playground; she says that Kate isn’t telling the truth about what happened, she thinks it might be trauma. Jeanette is adamant that she didn’t see Kate in the basement. As she and Jamie kiss in the playground, Kate watches them from a distance.

In 1993, it’s revealed that Joyce (Kate’s mother) and Scott are having an affair. Kate sees them and sneaks out of the house.

In 1995, Kate is in a chatroom talking with someone. She talks with a mysterious person about wondering how people will react since she hasn’t been completely honest.

In 1994, Kate goes to the police station to give her statement about when Jeanette found her in the basement. She thinks it was around December, but she’s positive that it was her. She has the necklace that Jeanette’s friends gave her on her birthday. She tells the police that she didn’t know Martin that well.

In 1993, Kate is crying on the street and Martin finds her to introduce himself.

In 1995, a news report reveals that Jeanette is suing Kate for defamation. Joyce and Rod are upset that a lawsuit is being done. Kate screams loudly.

A flashback is shown of Kate in a red dress being locked in the basement.

Cruel Summer
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Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Jamie: Did you see her?
[Jamie turns his head]
Jeanette: Look at me! No! Of course not.
Jamie: I just don’t know what to think.
Jeanette: You know I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you, okay?

Kate: Mama. Mama, I’m so sorry. I jumped to conclusions and I didn’t…
[Joy pulls Kate away]
Joy: Listen here, Little Miss, if you make false allegations about sins like adultery, and which could ruin this family as we know it, that is very unflattering. You’re embarrassing yourself. Now run along. As I very clearly stated, I don’t want to speak with you in this moment.