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The events take place on August 30, 1993, 1994, and 1995.

In 1994, Greg confronts Jeanette about her having Martin's house key. Jeanette lies that she only used the key once to play the game with Mallory and Vince.

In 1993, Jeanette is happy that her braces came off; she's prepping for the first day of school. In 1995, Jeanette and Greg show their attorney the online chatroom conversation between Kate and Ashley. They think the conversation will show that Kate's a liar.

In 1994, Jeanette wants to skip school to avoid the Kate rumors, but Vince convinces her to stay. Vince thinks it'll be weird being a non-visible couple in school.

Tennille jokes to Renee that she wants to hook up with Ben. They make fun of Jeanette when she walks into the hallway.

In 1993, Cindy drops Jeanette off at school. Mallory chastises Jeanette for still having Kate's scrunchie and not giving it back after all these weeks. Martin welcomes them to school.

In 1995, Jeanette meets with Cindy for coffee; she gives her a gift from Paris. Jeanette is upset that Cindy left the family and didn't know what was going on in Skylin. She's not mad at Cindy; she leaves when Cindy talks about her court case.

Angela won't hire Jamie at the bar due to his record.

In 1994, Ben turns down Tennille when she asks him out. Tennille lashes out at Jeanette when she's walking by. In 1995, Jamie asks Jeanette to visit him at his garage.

In 1993, Mallory has the last list item ready to complete: a prank tape. Jeanette has hesitations pulling off the prank, but Mallory is upset and pushes her to do it. Jeanette overhears Jamie/Tennille/Renee/Ben talk about not seeing Kate for the last few days.

In 1994, Jeanette wants to go home; Vince begs her to stay, but it doesn't work and she leaves. Vince chastises Jamie for his part in hurting her and painting a negative picture of her. In 1995, Jamie is in his car drinking and listening to the radio.

In 1993, Mallory snipes at Jeanette for being late to the prank. Ben says hi to Vince; he makes an awkward introduction to Vince about Ben's mother recently dying. They go off to talk in the gym about what happened. Ben's mom died of cancer and Vince's mom died in a car accident.

Ben and Vince lock pinkies while talking.

In 1995, Jeanette visits Jamie at his garage. Jamie apologizes to Jeanette for punching her and his treatment of Jeanette during 1994. He says he did it for Kate, but now he doesn't know what to believe.

In 1994, Jeanette overhears Greg and Cindy arguing on the phone. Greg wants to take her to the police station to give them the key.

In 1993, Mallory is in the A/V room. Jeanette sees Joy walking through the halls toward Martin's office; she asks if he knows where Kate is. Martin thinks Kate is during lunch; Joy admits that Kate hasn't been home for a while now. Martin checks attendance for Joy and reveals Kate isn't at school.

In 1995, Angela confronts Greg about not being honest with her.

In 1993, Martin convinces Joy to not go to the police about Kate's disappearance. He doesn't want the police to be involved. Jeanette overhears the conversation and chases Joy outside to offer her support. Joy rebuffs her about not needing anything from her.

In 1994, Rod asks Angela for quarters for the parking meter. There is an awkward encounter between Rod and Greg at the bar.

In 1995, Angela asks Greg about Jeanette having the key to Martin's house. Greg reveals everything he knew about the key and the case; he believes Jeanette is innocent. She also confronts him about Cindy leaving and him shutting down in their marriage. He admits that Cindy leaving led to their divorce; he likes being with Angela and how he is with her.

In 1993, Martin finds Mallory in the A/V room playing the prank tape; he gives Mallory detention. Mallory, upset after being caught, chastises Vince and Jeanette for not keeping guard. Jeanette wants to tell her the news about Kate, but Mallory lashes out at her and claims she's a social-climbing loser.

Jeanette lashes out at Mallory for not being there for Vince and Jeanette during the CD theft, as a defense tactic. Jeanette doesn't want to be friends with Mallory anymore after being bullied by her too much. Mallory walks away crying.

In 1994, Jamie gives Ben a ride to the field after drinking. In 1995, Jamie reveals to Jeanette that he was driving too fast and was heading to Jeanette instead; Jamie caused a car accident that ruined Ben's career as a football player.

In 1994, Vince wants to go with Ben to the hospital, but Ben tells him not to go. In 1995, Ben doesn't have the physical ability in his arm.

Jamie reveals to Jeanette that he wishes it all could be over. His happiest moments are in the early morning when he forgets everything.

In 1993, Jamie compliments Jeanette's smile without braces. She tells Jamie about Kate being missing.

In 1995, Jamie reveals that his tape recorder had a message from Christmas Eve. He kept onto it because he thought it could be a clue about Kate. Jeanette leaves to visit Mallory; she wants her snowglobe back, but Mallory claims she got rid of it. Mallory still has the snowglobe in a box under her bed.

In 1994, Martin reviews the tape in his office. The recording shows Kate in the window; he destroys the tape by stomping on it.

Cruel Summer
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Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Jeanette: Kate Wallis went to Martin Harris’ house willingly.
Denise: This is not the narrative that she’s presented on the record. It’s a glaring inconsistency in Kate’s story. This could help demonstrate that Kate bent the truth.
Jeanette: Kate won’t contribute to a narrative that paints her anything less than a saint. In reality, she’s a huge liar and now we have proof.

Jamie: Everyone at school today has been torturing her!
Vince: You kinda made it open season when you gave her a black eye!