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The computer reveals the events are from July 19, 1999, December 19, 1999, and July 19, 2000.

In Summer 1999, Isabella is packing up for the cabin trip with friends. Megan tries to get her to not go.

In Winter 1999, Megan is furious at Isabella for telling Debbie the truth about who really was on the sex tape. Isabella is upset that Megan seems to be more reliant on Luke and wouldn't protect her in a similar situation.

In Summer 2000, Isabella is hiding and watches Sheriff Myers visit Debbie. The Sheriff reveals the gun that shot Luke was registered to Steve Chambers. The gun had Luke's Isabella's, and Megan's fingerprints on it.

In Summer 1999, the guys are playing horseshoes; they tease him for inviting Isabella as his latest crush. Jeff is teasing the group by filming through Jason Voorhees' mask; Jeff tells Megan he brought a lot of horror movies to the trip, including Halloween.

In Winter 1999, Megan tells Isabella she would do the same thing for her. Megan apologizes to Isabella and the pair make up.

In Summer 1999, Brent and Parker crash the cabin trip. Brent came to give firewood so that Luke and his friends won't disturb the creepy neighbor.

In Winter 1999, Sheriff Myers encourages Luke to look past the scandal. He thinks everything will work out for him.

In Summer 2000, Jenna, the local news reporter, tries to chat with Megan about her relationship with Luke. Megan refuses the interview.

Rebecca, her family's lawyer, visits Isabella on her parents' orders. Isabellla tells Rebecca that her and Megan's fingertips were on the gun due to them doing target practice with Luke the previous summer. Isabella admits to Rebecca that Megan was the one on the tape.

Rebecca thinks the police will go after a theory of Megan and Isabella working together. Isabella says she and Megan haven't talked in months. She wants to use her diplomatic immunity, but Rebecca thinks it might not work after what happened at St. Barts.

In Summer 1999, the group is playing target practice in the woods. Luke is helping Isabella practice with the gun; she admits to having diplomatic immunity. Isabella misses all of her shots.

Megan takes the gun and lands her shot. She asks Luke if he's officially dating Isabella, but he doesn't admit it.

In Winter 1999, Luke is skipping rocks over the cold lake.

A box is mysterious dropped at the police station for Sherrif Myers.

In Summer 2000, Steve brings Debbie a cassarole. He confides in Debbie that he's heartbroken and doesn't think he'll sleep until he finds out who killed Luke. He thinks Megan and Isabella used the gun with Luke for target practice, but he discovered that someone cleaned his cabin recently.

In Summer 1999, Jeff playfully teases and interviews Megan. She takes the camera and interviews him instead. Jeff flirts with her.

In Summer 2000, Isabella warns Debbie and Megan to get a really good lawyer. She warns them to not trust Sheriff Myers so much.

In Summer 1999, Brent tells Megan that he can help get rid of Isabella if she wants. Megan says she doesn't need his help.

In Winter 1999, Luke surprises Megan at the diner and kisses her. Luke says he got rid of the tapes.

At the police station, Sheriff Myers interviews Brent and Steve about the secret sex tapes Brent recorded. Sheriff Myers says he needs to look into it. However, Steve asserts his power and forces the sheriff to back off; Brent smiles. In the car, Steve lashes out Brent for lying about the tapes; he threatens him about nearly sending him to jail.

In Summer 1999, the group plays Two Truths & A Lie.

In Summer 2000, Debbie and Megan meet with a laywer; the lawyer thinks Megan could be made out to be the prime suspect. Megan is upset when she discovers that Debbie had to turn to Megan's father to pay for the lawyer.

In Summer 1999, Jeff talks about The Blair Witch Project; he's excited to see the movie. When it starts raining, all the guys run inside, but Isabella and Megan stay outside.

Isabella tells Megan that Jeff is crushing on her.

In Summer 2000, the Landrys arrive at the police station. Megan sees Isabella sitting in a room conducting her interview.

In Summer 1999, the girls drive off into a car for a joyride after it starts raining. Megan says Brent isn't so bad; she says he changed after his mother dead.

In Winter 1999, Steve has a chat with Luke about Brent. Steve reveals he knew that Luke was the one who anonymously dropped the tapes at the police station. She chastises Luke for risking embarrasing the family.

Jeff and one of the guys make fun of Megan and Isabella at the diner. Jeff tells Megan that he knows the truth of her being on the sex tape. He says she chose the wrong guy.

In Summer 2000, both Isabella and Megan are interviewed separately by Sheriff Myers. The sheriff thinks they did it because Luke broke their hearts.

In Winter 1999, Brent threatens Luke because he thinks Luke was the one who dropped off the tapes. He reveals that his dad didn't care about the secret tapes. Luke lies, so Brent thinks it was Isabella.

In Summer 1999, Megan and Isabella drive back to her house to find Debbie making out with Megan's father. Megan is overwhelmed and runs into the trailer.

Keith, her father, is a musician in a rock band. He and Debbie weren't married, but he would sometimes come around. Keith left the family after Lily was born.

In Winter 1999, Isabella and Megan confront Jeff about what he theorizes about the sex tape. Megan threatens to expose Jeff about how he really gets the money for his camera equipment if he spills the truth. Megan and Isabella threaten and blackmail him.

In Summer 1999, Isabella reveals she isn't close with her dad because he's older and busy with work. She thinks her parents love her, but they don't show it well. Megan and Isabella start bonding.

In Summer 2000, Sheriff Myers asks Megan repeatedly about the last time she saw Luke. She says she dropped Luke after the party. A security tape shows that Megan didn't drop Luke off.

Sheriff Myers shows Isabella a backpack of hers hidden at the cabin filled with cash.

Cruel Summer
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Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Sheriff Myer: The ballistics came back from the gun that shot Luke. It’s registered to Steve Chambers.
Debbie: I don’t understand. Why are you here?
Sheriff Myer: Because there are three pairs of prints on the gun: Luke’s, Isabella’s, and Megan’s.

Isabella: I have diplomatic immunity, so I could kill all of you and get away with it.
Luke: Okay, let’s maybe not test that theory.