Looking For Justice - Cruel Summer
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The digital screen reveals it's set between July 18, 1999, December 18, 1999, and July 18, 2000.

Isabella is on her bed writing a letter to her friend Lisa. Isabella says her only obstacle seems to be Megan.

In Winter 1999, a sex doll and inflatable sex toys are left outside Isabella's room.

In Summer 2000, Isabella and Megan are talking on Megan's porch. Isabella says that Megan can't shut her out forever; Megan in turn heads back into her home.

In Summer 1999, Isabella makes a mess by accidentally breaking the eggs on the floor. Isabella tells Lily, Megan's sister, about her best friend from back home, Lisa. Lily and Isabella admit that Megan isn't friends with Isabella.

Isabella sneaks up into Megan's room. She notices the CDs and that Megan's computer has a password.

In Winter 1999, Debbie tells Isabella that she's been placed on probation at school due to the sex tape. She admits that it'll take more for Megan to forgive her.

In Summer 1999, Isabella visits the diner to give Megan back her wallet. Luke says he plans to swim and play PlayStation for the day. Isabella orders a dozen subs and says they're throwing a party at Luke's pool.

In Winter 1999, Megan is watching the sex tape. She continues to watch the tape and it's revealed that the tape is of Megan having sex with Luke.

Megan is worried that everyone is going to find out the truth and the scholarship will be taken. Isabella says she wants to pretend that she slept with Luke so that the tape won't destroy Megan's life. Isabella is leaving in a few months, so it's not a big deal to her. Megan agrees to the plan.

In Summer 2000, Sheriff Myer learns that the cause of death was drowning. Someone also shot at Luke and he had muscle relaxants in his bloodstream. Sheriff Myer deduces the killer wanted to make sure Luke wasn't getting out of the water.

Debbie, Lily, Megan, and Isabella drive by Luke's memorial to see people drop off flowers.

In Summer 1999, Isabella and Luke talk about their lives. Luke wishes he was an only child while Isabella wanted siblings.

The party kicks up at Luke's pool party.

In Winter 1999, Megan asks Isabella if she's sure about the lie. Isabella stands by her decision. Isabella is positive that Jeff was the one who created the tape because he's "scorned."

Megan and Isabella burn the sex tape.

In Summer 2000, Debbie and the family are looking for Steve, but Brent reveals that the police believe Luke was murdered. Steve went down to the station.

In Isabella's room, she starts packing for Paris. Parker tells her that no one will be able to leave town; the sheriff plans to interview everyone.

In Summer 1999, Jeff is filming Isabella walking through the party and talking with people. Isabella compliments Parker for her music choices. Parker brushes off Isabella and tells her to go put sunscreen on Luke.

In Winter 1999, Luke isn't happy about having to lie. Luke thinks Brent was the one who recorded the sex tape; Brent got a new camera. Isabella is sure that it's Jeff, but she thinks it could be a team job.

Luke and Isabella get into an argument about what to do about the suspects and helping Megan.

In Summer 2000, Isabella is harassed by former members of their friend group. Parker supports Isabella and stands by her.

Isabella tells Megan that they need to stick to their story. She plans to leave on Tuesday, but Megan forces her to stay in town. She says she'll admit the truth if Isabella leaves.

In Winter 1999, Isabella looked inside a building. She bumps into Parker; both of them are looking for Brent. Parker is worried that Brent may have secretly recorded them together.

Isabella throws a vase through the glass door and breaks into the house.

In Summer 1999, Isabella shuts down Brent's flirting and propositioning her. She gives Megan a non-alcoholic drink.

In Winter 1999, Parker and Isabella break all of the VHS tapes that belong to Brent. Before they're able to go into Brent's room to find his secret stash, they hear the garage door open.

In Summer 1999, Luke and Isabella go through his garage to get supplies for the party. A clip is shown a hint of fireworks.

In Winter 1999, Steve chastises his sons for the sex tape. He tells the boys to clean up the broken glass and the VHS tapes. He says the sex tape may have cost their family something big.

In Summer 2000, Steve has taken up smoking again. Debbie offers condolences to Steve.

In Summer 1999, Isabella finds a bag of pills in Megan's bag.

At night, fireworks start going off at the pool party; Isabella and Luke light fireworks and let them go off. Megan watches them on.

Luke chastises Megan for treating Isabella horribly. He tells her to give Isabella a chance.

In Winter 1999, Megan is impressed that Isabella broke the glass door. Isabella thinks everything will go back to normal eventually.

In Summer 1999, Isabella reveals to Megan that she knows about the drugs. Megan says the pills are to stay up late and study. Isabella asks her to find a way to get along with each other.

In Summer 2000, Parker is being interviewed by Sheriff Myer. She reveals she last saw Luke at the New Years Eve party with the 2000 glasses. All of the friends are being interviewed by Sheriff Myer; the group says Megan and Luke were on great terms, but Isabella left the party early.

They say Isabella and Megan got into a fight at the party.

Isabella confirms her and Luke dated a little during Summer 1999 before she and Luke broke up. Isabella is upset the police didn't look into who created the sex tape of her since she was a minor. Isabella says she stayed in town to help Debbie when she got sick; Sheriff Myer is suspicious of Isabella because she got kicked out of three schools in three years.

The police are suspicious of Isabella because she knows when to ask for a lawyer.

In Winter 1999, Brent admits he recorded his hookups. Brent is adamant that he didn't record the tape and place it in the VCR for everyone to see.

In Summer 1999, Isabella and Luke are in the pool together flirting. Isabella is worried when one of her earrings falls off; Luke finds it at the bottom of the pool.

Isabella and Luke kiss. Megan watches them from a distance.

In Winter 1999, Luke and Megan are in bed together cuddling. Luke confirms that Brent doesn't know it's her on the tape; he believes Brent didn't record it. Isabella overhears Megan calling Luke her "ride or die."

Isabella goes to Debbie about needing to tell her something.

In Summer 1999, Megan, Luke, and Isabella take some photos together.

In Summer 2000, Isabella disposes of some pills in the bathroom. She calls her mother for help.

Cruel Summer
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Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Megan: I keep trying to figure out who would’ve done this.
Isabella: I can think of one local filmmaker with a grudge.
Megan: Jeff? Really?
Isabella: I mean, they always talk about women scorned, but men are even worse.
Megan: I don’t know. It doesn’t seem like his style.
Isabella: Well, whoever it is, we’re gonna find out.

Steve: Is it the only tape?
Luke: I think you should ask your number one son.
Brent: Ahh, Dad! Luke…
Steve: Is that the only tape?!
Luke: That’s a lie. No, that’s a lie!