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A man is stabbed and dies in an alley after a barroom argument. He was tourist Micheal Webber, in town for a competitive eating event. Allie is insistent upon picking up Dr. Auerbach, who is finally back in Vegas. Serena grudgingly goes with her. Dr. Milton Hudson is subbing for Sonya. Serena convinces Allie they need more evidence before bringing in Auerbach. Folsom and Chris track Webber's bloodtrail back to the site of the stabbing. While Chris dumpster-dives, Folsom goes to Gorge-A-Palooza. Chris finds the murder weapon. Serena gets a call that Webber argued with Calvin DuPree, a repeat criminal. DuPree contends that Webber attacked him and the stabbing was in self-defense. Hudson determines that Webber was poisoned by mushrooms combined with beer. Contestant Rita DiBenedetto received sandwiches with less meat in them, allowing her to win the contest. Folsom and Serena accuse promoter Jason Ketchum of rigging the contest. Allie and Serena get a search warrant for Auerbach's house. When there's no answer, Serena breaks in. Auerbach kills the power and escapes by car. Hudson develops a time span when Webber ate the mushrooms. His phone reveals that he was in his hotel room with his wife Shiela during that time. Shiela admits to slipping him the mushrooms in the hope that he would quit competing. Disbelieving about the outcome, Folsom samples mushrooms and alcohol to see how it affects him. He gets drunk and nauseous but little else. Folsom drafts Hudson to drive him. Going back to the crime scene, Folsom figures out that Webber was electrocuted, thanks to that hole in his sneaker, and Hudson signs off of that. Shiela is released. The team rushes to Auerbach's mother's cabin but it's empty. The dead Auerbach is found hanging outside, so she isn't the Silver Ink killer.

CSI: Vegas
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CSI: Vegas Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

Folsom: I can tell you this is going to be weirder than your average stabbing.
Chris: How?
Folsom: This isn't blood. I think it's barbecue sauce. What the hell happened to this guy?

Folsom: Hey, Chris. Do you think that's what people will notice when you're dead: a hole in your shoe?
Chris: No chance, man. I keep my sneaks fresh.