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Days of Our Lives
Episode Recap
August 29, 2008

On Friday's Days of Our Lives

Tony and Anna move into the DiMera mansion as Tony explains to her that he wants to work with E.J. to wrestle control of the DiMera empire away from John.

Anna doesn't like the idea but E.J. tells Tony that he is making progress getting through to John. However, talking about Paul's disappearance, E.J. worries about what Stefano may do.

When crates are delivered and they start opening them, Anna discovers boxes of cigars and various wines.

Anna complains to Tony about what this may mean and decides that she wants to move out but Tony insists that his place is in the DiMera mansion.

Marlena leaves her hospital room and heads to her office where she becomes upset after being told all of her appointments were canceled.

John presses Lexie to tell him where Marlena is but she claims she doesn't know and orders security to go look for her.

John finally finds her in her office where she claims she is fine and doesn't need his help. He reminds her of the threat Stefano is and convinces her to have sex with him as he confesses he has feelings for her.

Afterwards, Marlena agrees to let him take her home where they find Stefano's favorite wine waiting. Stefano calls Tony and asks him to get his room ready.

An upset Chelsea meets Daniel and Kate at the Pub and asks them to tell her how they met and got involved. Daniel explains that while Chelsea was his patient, he met Kate.

Chelsea learns that Daniel was drunk when he turned to Kate and that it happened after Daniel quit as her doctor.

Chelsea's upset that Kate acted on her feelings because she knew how she felt about Daniel but Kate responds that she thought she was interested in Nick.

She also claims it ended before Daniel and Chelsea started dating. Daniel asks if she can get past this. Chelsea confides that she doesn't know but later confides to Lexie that it's over.

Until next week on Days of Our Lives ...

Days of Our Lives
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