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Days of Our Lives
June 9, 2008
Episode Recap

Today on Days of Our Lives ...

E.J. is tempted by a flirtatious Nicole but then backs off and claims they can't do this. He points out that if Victor catches them together, she'll lose her settlement.

Ava interrupts to invite Nicole to go out "on the town." E.J. suggests it's a bad idea because of the charges that have been leveled against Ava. Nicole ignores him and invites Ava to come with her to the Java Cafe. There, Nicole uses her flask but Ava turns down the alcohol offer.

Nick accompanies Max and Stephanie to the Java for the book signing. Ava spots Stephanie and convinces Nicole to go party somewhere else.

Max is not pleased when he spots Dean Robbins arrive and is shocked to learn he's the author of the book. After Nick and Stephanie leave, Max calls Robbins a fraud and claims the premise behind his book is faulty.

Nicole's amused to hear Ava met John and encourages her to go out with him. Chelsea asks Victor if he would arrange for her to get a job at the hospital for the summer. He takes her to the hospital where they find Daniel with Kate.

She admits she's not feeling well and Daniel announces that he's admitting her for some tests. Victor asks Daniel about finding Chelsea a job and he agrees. Later, Daniel suggests to Chelsea he doesn't think it's a good idea for them to work at the same place.

Rolf escorts Bo and Hope to see John who is upset they've brought a search warrant with them. While Bo searches upstairs, Hope finds a photo album and John reminds Hope of their time together years ago on a submarine.

He questions her about it but she points out it was a long time ago. After Bo and Hope come up empty-handed, John reports that he knows that Philip has been talking to Paul at the docks.

Until next time on Days of Our Lives ...

Days of Our Lives
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