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Mick shows Lita the Waverider.

Charlie prepares to use the Loom of Fate.

Gary gets a new emotional support dog.

Charlie chooses to use the Loom to save Behrad first. It causes an explosion when she tries to do so. Charlie thinks she needs her sisters for it to work.

The blast created an anti-chronotomic field, meaning that they cannot time travel.

Sara wakes up from her coma blind. She sees a vision of Ava dead on the floor.

Sara meets Lita and she sees a vision of Lita holding Mick's dead body.

Mick recruits Nate to help Lita study for history.

Sara sees a vision of Constantine dead.

Astra tries to manipulate Zari into telling Charlie of her plan to use the Loom on Astra's mother.

Sara tells Ava and Charlie about her visions.

Gary realizes the rings are all missing. Gideon's internal monitoring subsystems are disabled by someone. The Legends think Astra is the one to blame and lock her up.

Sara has another vision of herself holding a knife over Constantine's dead body. She locks herself up.

Zari hacks the camera feed and it shows Charlie taking the rings and flushing them down the toilet, Zari disabling the cameras, and Nate destroying the food fabricator.

Gary gives Sara his emotional support dog. Sara sees a vision of the dog telling her to kill Gary and everyone on the ship.

Zari, Charlie, and Nate see Gary's dog in the footage, making them do those things.

Gary tells Ava he rescued the dog from Hell. They realize that it is the demon dog that told Son of Sam to commit all his murders.

The dog is Marchosias, Canine of Chaos.

Sara sees a vision of the dog killing Mick. Constantine and Sara save him just in time, and Constantine sends him back to Hell.

All functions on the Waverider come back on.

Gary finds the rings in the waste disposal unit.

Gideon does not detect any abnormalities in Sara.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 5 Episode 10 Quotes

Astra: I bet you're the only one on this ship who's happy to see him.
Constantine: Oh, nonsense. As far as this sorry lot are concerned, as soon as anyone stops trying to murder them on a weekly basis, they're best friends.

Nate: Well this says this is his emotional support animal. Signed and everything.
Ava: I don't have time for this.
Gary: I've named him Gary Jr. Oh, he's made a tiny tinkle.
Zari: Ew.
Gary: He isn't ship broken. Junior! He's usually a very good boy. Everyone watch your step.