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A mom leaves her husband and their toy baby in bed and drives to a quarry, where she joins a bunch of others.

She's in a trance and is not wearing the right shoes for the occasion.

They're all social distancing in the quarry. Handy enough that it looks like they want it that way, but bizarre enough that I think it looks like they're social distancing.

They're crying.

Maddox calls Bryan to report that Ash has escaped and is full of debris.

Finola doesn't want her father to be running and hiding all his life, but as long as Maddox and INFLUX are out there, it will never change.

George is looking through binoculars at a dust monster on the approach. He returns to the office, grabs some gear, and covers in foil.

Finola is like, WTF are you wearing? And he just wants to leave.

George doesn't bother to clue them into the dust monster. George is a problem.

They arrive at the quarry. George didn't expect a crowd. Most people didn't turn off their cars or close the doors.

They're growing in number but still social distancing. No longer crying, they all look serene.

George notices they're all facing east.

They're mimicking what happened to the techs at the warehouse. Bryan is calling out George for his description of debris as mapmaking. This isn't mapmaking. George said they were done the minute they hit the parking lot. The techs started dying two hours after exposure.

Another joins the crowd, and George is excited. He can feel it -- an energy. He laughs, and the others break out into cackling.

The crowd latches onto their feelings via emotional convergence. George thinks it's beautiful.

Bryan is concerned about George. George finds the debris.

Maddox's wife, Julia, is trying to reach Dario.

 Maddox and the Russian are doing something while Julia looks at drugs on the bedside table.

All of the quarry attendees are close by. The debris is feeding off of them emotionally.

OMG. Walter Bishop in the house! He's working with Ash. British accent. He's got blood splatter on his face, and Ash isn't happy.

Everyone in the convenience store is in knots. It's very gross.

The latest attendees arrive, and it appears that many are color-coordinated.

Bryan wants to disrupt the debris, and George looks angry at the thought.

Maddox trades debris and says he can't let Irina leave with what she's got. There's another door for her, one only she can go through.

George wanted to get Finola alone to talk. He looks down his nose at her, wanting her to touch the debris to demonstrate something. He says it won't hurt them, and she walks right into it, laying her hand upon it.

The debris is the weight of a tall building because of the mental link to the quarry goers. If they move it, it will sever all of their memories entirely.

She thinks she'll find a way to save them all. George says there's no time, but she doesn't agree. Her instincts are good. He keeps saying there's no more time. INFLUX operatives are almost here.

George has a story about his suicide that is very upsetting to Finola. He committed suicide specifically to be reborn. He wants to use the technology for good, and using INFLUX to do it is A-OK with him.

Ash and his goons arrive and grab Finola while George watches. George snatches her phone to intercept a call from Bryan so that he could steer him in the wrong direction.

George tells Walter that a telesphere was born yesterday from a pocket dimension inside orbital.

The Maddox doppelganger thinks Finola should be proud of George because he knows what we could be, would be, and should be. Finola gets the drop on him, but Ash is close by.

George wonders how long it will take for the quarry fold to die. They could do it quickly, but George wants to do it slowly and wean them off the bottle. Things can be learned again, George says.

They all get beans which are a protective envelope so that their minds are not wiped. Bryan isn't there to get a bean.

Finola's heart is breaking. She wants him to stop this. But Walter sets up the divide with a smile and wipes everything.

Everyone wakes while INFLUX loads the debris into the car. Bryan comes upon them. He's jacked up, but his mind isn't wiped. He knows Finola.

Walter's name is Otto. Bryan is OK because his mind has already been wiped, hasn't it? OMG. Otto knows who he is and says he's the third man. Ming, Garcia, and Bryan. Then Otto touches the air above Bryan's head.

George tries to tell Finola she belongs with him. She finally realizes that her father died six months ago, and George is not him.

Bryan was injured in a debris event at the beginning and has been taking injections to ward off something, but he doesn't know what.

INFLUX drives by the telesphere.

Julia has taken ill by the time Maddox comes home. She's excited to see him when he gets home. She almost did something stupid. She can't do this anymore. She needs him to help her.

Bryan is calling, but Maddox is leading Julia to the living room where a piece of debris is hovering beside Dario and has created a force field around him. Dario can talk.

The indigenous person in the desert is still sitting there. The ball of light found him. Dahkeya is his name, and he greets the orb. He goes to a cave, and the orb follows. Inside is Sebastian Roche. He has news that INFLUX obtained the piece. It's time.

Finola is in a casing of some sort inside the cave.

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Debris Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Bryan: Can I ask you a question?
Finola: Yeah.
Bryan: It might sting a bit.
Finola: Wow. That sounds ominous.
Bryan: We're putting all of our faith into your father, and he was reanimated through his eye. They restarted his brain, and he can't remember where he was six months ago. He can't remember why Maddox wants him dead. He's marchin' around in this tinfoil cape. His memory is foggy at best. It just doesn't feel right. He could be wrong about all of it. Maybe they told him something, and he just doesn't remember it. That's dangerous.
Finola: All I know is that they brought him back to find it, so it must be important.

Finola: What is this?
George: It's emotional convergence.