Border Dispute - Designated Survivor
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A detective interviews Agent Wells about the fact that she keeps popping up at crime scenes. She explains that she is investigating a case above his pay grade. Hannah wrestles with the decision of whether to tell the President about his mother-in-law potentially committing a crime. She goes to see FBI Director John Forstell for advice. He tells her she must handle the situation. Hannah goes to White House Counsel Kendra Danes for further assistance. Danes tells Agent Wells that she must confront the First Lady with the evidence.

With Danes serving as mediator, Hannah and the First Lady hash out the accusation. Immediately, the First Lady denies her mother would take a bribe. Unable to get the situation out of her mind, the First Lady asks her mother herself if the allegations are true. Her mother confesses to the crime. Alex informs her husband of the situation, and the President assures her that everything is going to be alright. Director Forstell uncovers information about Eric Little that leads him to start an FBI investigation into the bribe the First Lady's mother took.

Meanwhile, President Kirkman is dealing with a trade dispute between Mexico and the U.S., which has led to a blockade at the border. When a Mexican citizen is shot while driving through the border, tensions reach an all-time high and negotiations cease. The the team tries to use the deceased man's widow as good publicity for the White House, but Kirkman stops the plan in its tracks. It is revealed that the deceased man was recently employed by the Mexican trade envoy, who was hoping to increase tensions. Kirkman gives the envoy an ultimatum, that results in the trade negotiations restarting. 

Designated Survivor
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Designated Survivor Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

I am not going to milk human tragedy for political gain.


Alex: Mom, you committed a federal crime.
Eva: Bought me 15 more years with a wonderful man, and gave my daughter her father. And I’d do it again. Ten times over... because my family means more to me than anything else.