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The media is discussing the video leak of Kirkman talking to the man who killed Alex. His approval ratings are down. 

A tour taking place at the WH is filled with protestors who are sitting in at the White House. It's a tribe protesting and Lyor has to run to the hallway to keep the protestors from being arrested. 

It's a Native American tribe who wants their leader to have a meeting with the president. 

Tom's brother, Trey, shows up at the white house.

The tribe speaks of their people being removed by eminent domain. Kirkman was the one who presented a plan to use the tribe's land for commercial use. Cousins, the spokesperson, asks that Kirkman help otherwise the tribe would be no more.

The housing that the tribe/residents were relocated to is poor. 

Hannah meets with Damian's Russian handler to get more information about the hacker. She claims she doesn't have any information. She offers to help, but only if Damian is returned to them.

Kirkman proposes a land swap.

Kendra is going over the First Lady's wishes and allocation for her work with the trustees. 

Cousins goes to the media and tells them that the President offered a land swap and she said no. There are indigenous people protesting in the halls of the white house and other tribes protesting outside. 

Trey wants to meet with Tom. They get into it and rehash their shaky past. Trey left when Tom was taking care of their sick mother because he was a screw-up. Tom resents him for that. 

Lyor helps one of the sit-in protestors with his college application at his alma mater. 

Leo chats with his uncle. He wants to go to a game with him, and he wants to spend time with him and have his uncle  stick around. He hopes he and his father can let bygones be bygones.

Hannah finds out that everyone wants Damian dead. She thinks if she cuts him loose, she'll be able to find the hacker. 

Damian tells Hannah that his feelings for her were real. She accuses him of still playing her. 

Trisha (Lyor's new assistant) finds a copy of a letter that Cousins father wrote to Kirkman. Kirkman's friend Billy withheld the letter from him because he wanted the development to go through. 

Billy tells Tom that had he not have done that, the deal would have never gone through and Kirkman wouldn't be where he is today. Kirkman dismisses Billy. 

Kirkman uses a 200-year-old treaty as a loophole to stop the development from proceeding. 

Hannah shoots someone who comes in to kill Damian. 

Chuck investigates the intruder's laptop, but he can't get past the firewalls. The hacker sent someone to kill Damian. They figured out that Russian doesn't want him dead, but the hacker does. Aaron is annoyed that Damian is withholding information. 

The laptop overheats and catches fire because someone hacked it. 

Leo asks his father if he sent Trey away. He tells him how much they need family.

Kirkman addresses the nation about his confrontation with the prisoner. He apologizes. 

Kirkman apologizes to his brother for not letting go of the past. 

They make up, and Trey goes with Tom to visit Alex's grave. 

Designated Survivor
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Designated Survivor Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

Lyor: God, I hate a free press.
Seth: Yeah, the feeling is mutual.

Emily: They're calling you imperial, angry, distraught.
Tom: Yeah, well I am angry and distraught!