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Things pick up shortly after the Dynasty Season 2 season finale cliffhanger. 

Divers found 2 dead bodies buried at the bottom of the lake that belonged to Trixie and Mack. 

The family reconvenes to walk through what they're telling the police. 

They all agree to give the same version of events, which does the trick temporarily. 

Blake takes his anger out on Adam, who hired the divers in the first place. 

Adam attempts to fix the situation by swapping body tags in the morgue so that Blake's DNA cannot be found on the body. 

Blake also tries to use his resources to get answers, but no one is budging. 

Anders offers to help but eventually quits his job for good because it's "toxic."

Fallon is plagued with guilt after finding out what happened to her best friend. 

Sammy convinces her to be there for the family, but when she tries, her mother experiences a panic attack. 

Fallon can't seem to shake Trixie's ghost no matter how hard she tries and eventually, confesses to the police about how Trixie died. 

Instead of saying her father threw the body into the lake, she says it was was Mack, the other dead body.

However, somehow, the cops figured out that Blake was responsible because they came to arrest him while he was making love to Cristal. 

The new Cristal, played by Danielle Alonso, started trouble with Dominique Devereaux, a woman thirsty to become a socialite. 

She pays off her reporter to investigate Cristal's family. 

Meanwhile, Culhane is in prison after being framed by Blake. Kirby tries to pay his bail by leveraging Femperial, but he refuses. 

As the two of them essentially break-up, Kirby has nowhere to go and sleeps on the couch at her company. 

Anders leaves behind his responsibilities with Blake to help Sammy remodel and open a hotel. 

Liam remains in a coma after falling into the pool. 

He wakes up by the end of the episode and doesn't recognize Fallon.

He does, however, recognize his ex-girlfriend, Ashley, and thinks that they're still dating, which infuriates Fallon. 

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Dynasty Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

You're responsible for Mack too? How many bodies are in that lake?


Blake: If we don't take care of this, the only place you're going to be working in is prison. As a prisoner.
Anders: Yes, sir. I got your meaning.