A Fateful Meeting - East New York
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Regina meets Sean in the park while walking her dog. She asks if this will be a regular thing. It's up to her.

Bentley is back. Regina advises him that he should be on the lookout for signs he's not really ready.

Sandeford and Yenko talk about how Sandeford is lucky to have such a lenient policy. He is going to ride with Bentley again. He and Bentley get a call about someone with a firearm. Bentley seems nervous as they approach. They find some people locked in a freezer at a weed dispensary. The place has been trashed.

Jamal Hayes, the owner, says a customer called 911. He recognizes Regina as the cop who arrested him for weed sales a long time ago. Anyway he didn't see the robbers, only the gun. He had $85,000 in the place and they took it all.  She wants Killian to look at a city agency. Killian is condescending about it. Regina thinks legalizing weed is a bad idea. Morales and Yenko say the old drug laws were problematic.

Sharpe shows up to bother Suarez. He has a long winded speech which leads to the fact that he is running for mayor and will appoint Suare as PC. Suarez says that's a bad idea. Sharpe says he will be the first Puerto Rican PC. 

No one seems concerned about this seeming quid-pro-quo. Sharpe introduces Suarez to Allison Cha, who is a political policy advisor. Suarez says he is busy. Sharpe says things will move fast but Allison agrees to schedule a meeting with Suarez's office.

Troy interrupts Killian's sarcastic comments about weed. Killian doesn't want to be stuck to him. Morales and Killian go to a city agency that tracks deliveries to licensed dispensaries. Killian finds out George (the chef) is an investor and decides that's proof he's involved.

Killian is similarly obnoxious while going to talk to George.  He wants to take George to the precinct. Corinne says they're getting ready for lunch.

Morales and Killian question George. He says Jamal is his friend. Killian claims he has to hold George on a warrant that GEorge says has been cleared. Morales asks to see Killian outside.

Killian insists he knows George is behind the robbery and they need to find the evidence.

Suarez tells Regina he's here to check on Bentley, who is not there. Also he doesn't want their recent disagreement to ruin their relationship.

Jamal says he trusts George with his life. Also another dispensary has been robbed.

Suarez gives Allison a speech about most cops being good cops. She thinks he should be on CNN. He doesn't want to. He's not a pundit. He also asks her how she really thinks Sharpe will be for the people who live in the city. She thinks he'd be great even though he has a different agenda than her. She also tells Suarez he's the only one she's talking to about being a liasion to the city.

Morales and Killian talk to a guy who claims her was in the neighborhood because he's a veteran who is down on his luck.

Bentley thinks it's strange they had backup on every case. Sandeford says cops back each other up. Bentley doesn't want to be treated differently than he was before he was shot. He leaves when he's not happy with Sandeford's answer.

Killian is annoyed to find that George is gone. Troy says Regina said cut him loose.

Killian confronts Regina who thinks that he arrested George because he doesn't like him working for Corinne. Regina takes Killian off the case and puts Troy on. (Doesn't the fact that George was in custody during the second robbery prove that he wasn't involved anyway?)

Troy asks Morales if Killian will ever stop hating him. Morales doesn't want to talk about that. Troy wishes she'd stand up for him. Anyway, they search the suspect's house and find he and Hayes served together.

Quinlan talks to Hayes who wants to fill out a form in case they recover his money. He has his daughter with him. Regina comea out. Hayes tells her he doesn't know what job he will get with his record.

Regina tells Sean she can't believe she sent this guy away for four and a half years over weed. Sean says she was doing what she was told to do. She says she knows that she doesn't make the laws, just enforces them, but she has a hard time letting herself off so easily. Sean says he tells himself it's his job.

Morales and Troy to talk to Green, the city agency guy, who says he knows Emerson. He's not surprised that Emerson might have robbed the other dispensary. He says Emerson was having a hard time and he had got into his computer, They arrest Green as a co-conspirator and says he has to help them if he doesn't want to go to jail for a long time. They want to set up a sting.

Quinlan and Morales go undercover at a dispensary. Quinlan doesn't miss smoking weed.

Bentley says he forgot his phone in the car and runs off. Quinland watches him. Bentley goes to the car and has a panic attack while the perp goes inside and holds the women up.

One of the robbers takes Morales to the vault. Bentley comes in and the robber pulls a gun on him. Quinlan pulls a gun while the robber is distracted and a bunch of cops come in and arrest the perps.

Killian brings Green to see Regina. Regina tells Killian that if George doesn't file a complaint she'll consider this matter closed.  She gets Green to tell her where the money is.

Killian comes to see George. Corinne isn't happy.  Killian apologizes for jumping to conclusions. George is shocked. He and Killian shake hands.  Corinne is still not happy. She says Killian used his authority to scare George's family. She doesn't want to be with him anymore.

Regina comes to see Suarez. She tells him about Hayes and how she wants to return his money. She wanted to see if Suarez would back her up. He says he absolutely will. Allison is in the hall. She wants an answer.

Suarez is willing to give her info within limits. He won't compromise investigations or he thinks it shouldn't be shared. She doesn't think she can sell that. He says he's aware he won't be asked a second time.

Hayes is shocked that Regina got him his money back. Regina says she wanted to make things right.

Bentley tells Sandeford he stayed out longer than necessary. Sandeford says but he didn't stay out there.

Regina tells Sean it was sweet what he said this morning. He's glad. They walk out and kiss for the first time and then Regina says she has to go and runs away.


East New York
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East New York Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Regina: So I didn't think I'd ever see you back on duty and now you are.
Bentley: It's good to be back.
Regina: So the police department says you're fit for duty and psych says you're fit for duty. What do you say?

Regina: Is us meeting up like this gonna be a regular thing?
Sean: Depends on if you want it to be.