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Emergence returns after its winter hiatus and jumps 4-weeks forward. 

Jo is still searching for Piper but she's quickly running out of hope. 

After she gets a call from the Bronx to ID a young girls body, she is ready to give up. 

That's when the lights in the house start flickering and the TV begins to illuminate with colors and a symbol Jo recognizes as Piper's. 

She takes this as a sign and asks Brooks, who is leaving town after being pulled from the case, to find out where the shortage originated. . 

Brooks pings the satellite explosion to Pennsylvania. Jo immediately packs her bags. 

Once in town, Brooks and Jo plan to lay low and get a feel for the locals. 

When questioning the gas station owner, Charlie, they realize that he's hiding something.

When he says he's owned the station for 15-years, Jo recalls that Benny's file also dates back 15-years. 

Charlie makes a run for it and gets hit by a car. 

He begins to glow and runs off. 

Jo and Brooks realize that Charlie was AI just like Piper and that it's possible that Benny was also AI. 

Jo says she cannot trust her gut anymore and uses Piper's chip to test if Brooks is human. He is. 

He uses it on her and finds out Jo is also human. 

They get a call that Charlie's car has been found at an animal hospital. 

When they find him, he's bleeding out. He refuses to tell Jo about Piper's whereabouts admitting that even if he wanted to, he couldn't. 

Once he "shuts down," Jo removes a chip from behind his ear, the same one Piper removed in the very first episode. 

They check out his recent locations on his phone and arrive at a creepy old barn. 

Jo confronts Benny, who is packing up a truck. 

Benny apologizes for betraying her but Jo doesn't care -- all she wants is Piper. 

She threatens to shoot him but Piper melts her gun. 

She doesn't want Jo to hurt Benny. She also tells Jo that she needs to stay and doesn't want to go home. 

Before she slams the door on Jo, she asks her to tell Mia that she isn't "afraid" meaning she got the message Mia sent her through Ed's HAM radio. 

As Jo is trapped inside the outhouse, Benny, Piper, and the rest of the AIs take off. 

Meanwhile, Chris takes on the role of Chief in Jo's absence. 

He responds to a call where he notices a bunch of crates getting loaded onto a boat. One, in particular, has a strong magnetic pull. 

He tells Alex about it and they decide to break onto the boat and investigate at nightfall. 

Once on-board, they open the crate and see a glowing ball of what Alex describes as "liquid metal." 

As the boat takes off, they jump back onto the dock.

Chris brilliantly leaves behind his phone so they can track the boat and see where it goes. 

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Emergence Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Brooks: That was not a person?
Jo: No, I think he's like Piper.

He was planning this. I just don't get it, he was helping me, he was a friend.
