Taking a Journey - EVIL
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Kristen and Acosta go to a remote art commune to visit Acosta's father Leon after Acosta recognizes one of the sigils from the Poveglia Codex in his father's artwork.

At the commune, Acosta learns his father has married two women, one of whom is pregnant, and is in a thruple with them.

When Acosta asks his father about the sigil, Leon says the sigil came to him three years ago, around the same time he met his two new wives.

Afterward, Kristen and Acosta stay for the Root Ceremony, a weekly séance to conjure ghosts of their ancestors, and drink spiked sangria.

While high, Acosta talks with a woman named Annie Commerce, and Kristen sees one of Leon's wives give birth to a demon baby.

Acosta then learns from Leon that Annie died over 100 years ago. Leon shows Acosta proof that Annie was a slave who lived in the 1800s and happened to be their ancestors.

At the same time, Acosta also learns the sigil is about the evils of slavery, and it didn't just come to his father.

However, Leon then explains how he has reclaimed the sigil, and the father and son hug.

Meanwhile, Ben and Vanessa reconnect as he is doing ADR work for the episode of the ghost hunting reality TV show he appeared on.

They end up going back to her place, but get in a fight when Vanessa tells him her dead sister is grafted to her body like a phantom limb.

However, Ben ends up agreeing to disagree, and the pair hookup.

Lastly, Kristen’s husband Andy arrives home after being away for three months and spends time with his daughters. 

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Evil Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Kristen: Ah, God, it’s great here.
Acosta: Not another house for 10 miles. It’s like the start of a horror movie.
Kristen: Oh well, bad cellphone coverage. Guess all we need is car trouble, and we’ll have won horror movie bingo.

Leon: Look, I know we hit that fork in the road -- you danced off toward religion, I got swallowed up with art. What you feel when you pray, get a whiff of that incense, I feel right here with color. The way St. John of the Cross talks about mysticism, that’s how I feel about painting. Someone paints through me; my hand is divinely guided.
Acosta: By who?
Leon: I don’t know: spirit, perfect muse. All I know is when I’m painting, it’s crap, but when somebody else paints through me, that’s when it all comes together.
Acosta: How do you know it’s not some bad spirit painting through you?
Leon: Now, you’re talking like a priest. There’s no good or bad in art. The more years you put on you, you’ll see. Duality doesn’t exist. There’s just what is.