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Kristen, Acosta, and Ben are hired to evaluate Eric, a seemingly psychopathic 9-year-old boy, whose parents say he has changed drastically over the past two years.

Though Eric's behavior started with little things at first -- name calling and lying -- his actions escalated to wanting his baby sister dead and trying to poison his family.

After numerous therapists, conflicting diagnoses, and lots of prescription medications, the parents reach out to the Church as a last resort.

Ben wonders if Eric's behavior could be caused by environmental factors, and Kristen believes the boy shows psychopathic tendencies. 

David then has a conversation with Eric where the priest-in-training tells the boy sometimes he may have to pretend like others around him and play by the rules if he wants to become a comic book artist.

David also tells Eric that prayer, or rather asking God for what he wants, will help, if Eric has faith and acts upon it.

Eric misinterprets David's words and asks God to take away his infant sister. The boy drowns her in the pool, but David is able to save her.

The team decides to perform an emergency exorcism but when they arrive at Eric's house, his parents say he is missing. The team knows that's not the truth, and his parents killed him to protect their two other daughters.

Elsewhere, Kristen's daughters play a scary horror game using augmented reality goggles, bought by their grandmother behind Kristen's back.

The girls are very scared but lie to their mother about playing the game. They eventually come clean about lying.

Ben enables the parental controls on the goggles but a scary player from the game, called Rose390, still finds a way to break through.

Rose390 tells the girls their father is dead, but Kristen says that isn't true. 

At the end of the episode, the girls tell Kristen Rose390 was able to interact with them because they didn't properly disable the game.

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Evil Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Ben: Hey, don’t freak out when you see a strange man in your bathroom. Your mom asked me to look at the pipes, and your grandma let me in.
Lynn: Is the shower broken?
Ben: No, your mother’s just worried you’re going to turn into psychopaths.

Ben: What about the locks on the cupboards and the fridge?
Mother: He tried to poison us.
Acosta: Why?
Mother: He said he was doing an experiment, and he wanted to see how long it would to feel the liquid bleach in the milk.