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OA is flagged down by a woman accomplice then held at gunpoint by a mugger. He arrives late at a scene of the murder of a Hispanic woman, Marta Munoz, at a national park. She was raped then strangled. Her mother tells Nina and OA that an unknown man had been watching Marta recently. OA downplays the mugging to Isobel. His was one of 10 muggings by the same pair. Norm Carver is the man stalking Marta. He runs from Nina and OA. OA is overly aggressive arresting him. NYPD finds another body killed like Marta's and Carver has an alibi. Isobel suggests looking for lesser crimes by the same suspect. Detective Chavez insists on talking with OA, who is resistent to help. The suspect earlier assaulted a Muslim woman, Citra Susanti, but she fought him off. Citra won't tell all of what happened in front of her parents. Oa cuts the interview short and argues afterward with Nina. The seller of the handcuffs resists helping until Brittany gives him a search warrant. A female sex worker bought the cuffs. Brittany and Scola find her dead. Chavez brings a photo array to OA since the muggers' next victim was shot. OA tells Nina what happened to him. Then he runs off to question Citra again where she was assaulted. She says he tried to sexually assault her. After she bit him, the suspect left blood on her shirt. OA picks the muggers out of the array. The DNA from the blood matches the nasty clerk. He left with a girl before the team gets there, although his phone is still nearby. OA interrupts his assault and pursues the suspect. Nina pulls an aggressive OA off the suspect. OA visits the hospital to check on the man shot by the muggers. 

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FBI Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

We're going to find the man who hurt Marta. He's going to pay for what he did. I promise.

OA [to Anna]

M.E. Mosbach: I wish I had more answers for you.
Nina: So do we.