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Danger rises as Alicia and her people arrive at the tower.

Strand invites her in and Daniel goes with her.

He's looking for Ofelia.

Things take a dangerous turn when a fight breaks out and Wes wants to go against Alicia et al.

In an elevator, Strand and Alicia bicker, with Strand realizing that Alicia is no threat to him.

He says that they can co-exist

Wes is not fond of this idea and rallies up the rest of the tower against them.

Daniel helps and Strand is forced to kill Wes when he tries to kill Alicia.

Daniel realizes the truth about Ofelia and concedes that he should spend time with Charlie and make sure she's safe for her final days.

Alicia goes to the roof to broadcast a message but Strand changes his mind again, and decides to become a villain.

Another fight breaks out and Alicia's weapon on her hand knocks oil everywhere.

As she faints, a fire breaks out, leaving her fate in question.

Everyone else flees into the tower when the walkers arrive, leading to a big turn of events.

Will everyone be able to escape the tower?

Fear the Walking Dead
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Fear the Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 14 Quotes

Wes: What happened to you?
Strand: There are days when one must swipe the slate clean, Wes. Today is one of them.
Wes: She didn't come alone.
Strand: The gang's all here.

Strand: To what do we owe the pleasure, Alicia?
Alicia: I think you know.
Strand: Eh, it seems you brought company. Yet, Morgan isn't amongst it. Does he plan on making a grand entrance or something?
Alicia: He's somewhere safe with the baby. Somewhere where you won't find him.
Strand: Leave it to a coward to run for the hills.