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Alicia is having visions of someone else that looks like her, and the people she knows.

A walker is saying Padre, and Alicia wakes up inside a house.

She hears music playing and goes downstairs. The man can't hear her talking back, but she smashes up his music.

He says the house is sound-proofed and he can't hear shit.

He tries to get to know Alicia, but Arno shows up with the people Alicia killed. She hides, and Arno quizzes Paul.

He leaves with his people.

Alicia goes with Paul to try to retrieve equipment to give him his music.

Arno shows up and an intense fight ensues.

He escapes and Alicia helps Arno back to the house.

Arno plays bagpipes to help Alicia escape. She finds herself in trouble when she runs off in the middle of the night.

Paul is killed by Arno.

Alicia wakes back up on the submarine and Morgan says she keeps saying Padre.

Alicia says she has finally found her voice and is ready to lead the people to Padre.

This sets off a chain of events as Arno shows that he has a group of irradiated zombies.

What does that mean for the tower? We're pretty scared, you guys.

Fear the Walking Dead
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Fear the Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

Alicia: Hey. Hello? How did I get here? Hey, I'm talking to you.
Paul: Hey. Easy.
Alicia: Didn't you hear me?
Paul: No. I didn't. I haven't heard a goddamn thing in months.
Alicia: What's going on? How did I get here?
Paul: You're gonna have to speak a lot slower if you expect me to read your lips.

Alicia: How did I get here?
Paul: I brought you here. I was coming back from a food run. Found you passed out in a barn about two miles north. Good thing I came along when I did. I checked on you, saw your arm... or what's left of your arm.
Alicia: That's quite a statement. I got bit. I wasn't gonna let him take it from me.
Paul: I figured if it had come from a bite, you would've turned by now. What's left of it didn't look infected. Still, you were burning up no matter how much medicine I gave you.