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Dwight, Sherry, Finch, Mo, Grace, and Morgan are in the boat trying to survive.

Grace is bleeding out and they're trying to get Grace to June. Unfortunately, Shrike has other plans and her soldiers drag a frail Grace out of the car.

Dwight and the gang attack the soldiers and Grace tells them of a substation she was creating for a place to call home.

Dwight and Sherry try to make the soldiers think they're all together going a different way to allow an opening to get Grace to the train and away from Shrike.

Mo has her on a cart, trying to get her to the destination but Dove shows up with the others and they threaten to kill Grace and Mo.

Mo gets through to them by saying that she's her mother and if they had the chance to save their mother, they would do the same thing.

But Dove allows walkers to get to the cart.

June is at the substation helping Finch and tells Mo that she could try to use the radiation herself to save Grace.

Mo tries it, but Grace's fever spikes, signaling that the infection is about to take over.

Mo is heartbroken but Grace tells her that she gave her and Morgan time because they were going to kill each other.

Grace then dies and Mo tries to escape, but Grace almost kills her. Morgan gets there just in time and puts Grace's zombified walker down.

Shrike appears and tells Morgan that she's done with him and she takes Mo back. Mo tells Morgan to allow her to go and then Shrike locks Morgan on the train and sends walkers his way.

Fear the Walking Dead
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Fear the Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 5 Quotes

June: Go for June.
Morgan: It's Grace. She's bit on the side. We can't amputate. What you did for Finch, you think it'll work for Grace?
June: Maybe.
Morgan: We'll take maybe.
June: Morgan, to do it, we need the equipment that PADRE has.

Shrike: Why do you think I put it on wheels in the first place? To keep people like you from messing with it.
Morgan: What the hell do you want?
Shrike: To help. To save Grace's life.
Morgan: Then tell these assholes to stop shooting at us.
Shrike: Not before you hear me out.
Morgan: I don't have time for this.
Shrike: No, Grace doesn't have time for this. So listen carefully... I'll tell you where the train car is. My people will escort you there. I'll even allow Blue Jay to administer the treatment. Grace will get the care she needs.
Morgan: And what exactly do you get?
Shrike: I paid a little trip to King County. I saw what you did outside your house. I saw how many walkers you killed single-handedly. Well, except for the one who bit Grace.
Morgan: What do you want?!
Shrike: There's a shipyard, one that is very important to our future.
Morgan: And that has what to do with me?
Shrike: There are thousands of Carrion inside, and I need them all cleared.