FOB- College - Fresh Off the Boat
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The family makes its way to California to visit the campus of UCLA. Jessica attempts to push aside her past college mistakes, or should we say Messy Jessie's past mistakes, and enforce her strict and disciplined nature on Eddie. 

Jessica and Louis provide a quick blast from their past and we're introduced to Jessica's wild side. It only makes sense that the now strict and orderly mom once had her wild side. 

In an attempt to protect Eddie from the mistakes she feels she made, she pushes him into a harsh direction that only backfires into him wanting to skip college altogether. 

As always, Louis uses his fatherly wisdom to counteract the backfire and opens Jessica to the idea of sharing her past actions with Eddie. This brings Eddie and Jessica on a new understanding and Eddie changes his mind and decides college isn't so bad.

Meanwhile, Emery and Evan get caught up in the Y2K scare, also known as 'The Millennium Bug' of the late 90s. They feared computers who stop working at the turn of the century and cause a technology shut down.

In an attempt to deal with this fear, the boys, along with Grandma Jenny, decide to open credit cards and live life like celebrities. 

Fresh Off the Boat
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Fresh Off the Boat Season 6 Episode 2 Quotes

Trust me, there is no experience like the feeling Eddie will get when he graduates Harvard and sees my glowing stare of approval.


It sounds like you're going on a ton of trips, on the "complain train."
