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On From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 4, there's a Fuller family reunion. You heard me right. Kate manages to break free of Amaru's hold to reunite with her brother and warn him to stay away from her. Unfortunately, Scott doesn't run away fast enough, and Amaru gets her hands on him. Thankfully, Freddie appears and saves Scott's life.

It turns out, this isn't the first time that Kate pushed past Amaru and broken free, and Amaru isn't happy about it. During her training session with Brasa in a church of all places, Brasa tells Amaru to use her anger.

Freddie brings Scott back to the Geckos who view him as their way to bring Amaru to them. While Richie maintains that Kate's still in there, Seth thinks she's gone, and Amaru needs to be brought down. Amaru isn't going down without a fight. Brasa sends Jaguar Warriors to collect Scott.

Scott's all about his music now, so he sneaks out during all the fighting to hook back up with his band. Too bad these Jaguar Warriors can hunt you no matter where you go. Plus, Freddie got the tour bus' license plate, so Scott can't even outrun the peacekeeper and Geckos.

Scott and Amaru battle it out while Amaru taunts him that his sister is going to watch him die. Seth comes to save Scott's life, and he plans on finishing off Amaru. Scott begs him to take Amaru with them, and Kate breaks through to ask Seth to kill her. 

Amaru uses Kate to get Seth to lower his guard down, and he makes the mistake of grabbing Kate's arm. That's when Amaru takes control again and begins to kill him. Now it's Scott's turn to save Seth, and they ride off with Richie and Freddie, living to fight another day.

Richie makes a new friend at a bar, and while he hopes he's going to get lucky, the girl is actually Earl McGraw's daughter. All she wants to do is kill the man who killed her father. Unfortunately for her, a shotgun doesn't kill culebras.


From Dusk Till Dawn
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From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Scott: My father used to say, 'Jesus looks for sinners like the Devil looks for saints.' Tonight, I'm going to give you guys a choice: are you sinners or are you saints? I want to know! Open your hearts and open your hands. If you want some forgiveness, spill some blood for the Lord!

Ladies and gentlemen. The man who stands between life and death, the man who can bring you to God's doorstep, Scott Fuller!
