Abby vs. the Coach - Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce
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Abby is so excited to a homemaker that she's reorganizing the spices. 

She's also planning mother daughter days and getting excited for Charlie's baseball game.

Phoebe, meanwhile, refuses to cut any of her people, including her tree-trimmer, arborist or mulcher...or something. She has pages of single spaced people and thinks the money she has saved will get them through. Or that her hot sexy young artist husband will be bringing in the dough.

Delia is having a hard time scoring cases at work. It's Delia v Albert.

Jo takes Frump to rehab. 

Abby shoos Charlie off to the baseball field and introduces herself to the coach. He's hardly impressed with her babbling, spitting his chaw out at her feet. He tells her to download the baseball contract from the website, sign it and bring it before the next game and move her car. Then he spits ON her foot.

Phoebe and JD check in with a gallery to get his work in a show, and she gets a tryout for a job.

Jo and Scott are sexual dynamos. She looked up the karma sutra and is voted a 10 right out of the gate.

The girls meet for lunch and Barbara shares she's using the girls' antics for her column. 

Charlie needs to practice his swing, during dinner, which includes breaking a mirror.

Scott the nymphomaniac is already wearing thin in the sexual arena. He wants to show off his girl.

Delia breaks into the meeting between the big (hot) client and Vanessa and takes over. He's into it.

Abby has thoughts on Barbara's writing. She sounds like me. OMG.

In the middle of the editing discussion, which goes terribly, Jake calls to rip into Abby about using the joint credit card to buy out the sporting goods store.

Barbara thinks Abby hates her writing and goes to turn in her column.

Phoebe goes to see Grayson at the gallery and tries to show him a new artist. Then she finds out she was brought on for her connections only. Start finding him buyers!!

Barbara discovers her writing isn't all she thought it was, either.

Abby is at the game in her disco blues, annoying other moms. One is shocked she talked to the coach, something you never do. She also tells her to move her car, which Abby thinks is a baseball thing, so she starts chanting it when Charlie is at bat.

Scott and Jo are on their way to the gallery thing, and a girl knocks into Scott, which results in some Jo jealousy. Scott doesn't fall for it.

Abby gets angry at the coach and decides to pull Charlie from the team.

Jo asks Scott to kill what they have. She isn't eating, sleeping or doing anything else. He can't kill it, but she does.

Phoebe can't find JD's painting. It's in Grayson's office. It's there because that's where he does business, which she knows nothing about. She needs to shut up, look good and learn.


Charlie is already learning things from the coach, such as don't be a quitter. So much for the end of his baseball career!

Jo appears to really hear what Barbara says about her and Scott, but when she goes to find him, he's gone.

Phoebe starts cutting staff. Will that be enough?

Abby takes the signed contract to Coach and finds out what "move your car" means.

Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce
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Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

Delia: Enough with the games, Albert. I'm a partner here. I'm a senior divorce attorney for THIS firm.
Albert: And Vanessa is a top notch lawyer, brought in to replace you, actually, back when we thought you were moving to New York. She's caught up on firm business. That's what this is about.
Delia: Oh please, Albert. I think we know what this is really about.
Albert: Do you want to share more specifically what you mean here?
Delia [looks around the room]: No.

Abby: Here, smell this. Tell me what it is.
Lilly: Do I have to?
Abby: I pushed you out of my uterus; smell it.