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Rakesh’s attempts to figure out who is behind the God account go awry when the God account hacks his program at IdentitySeal locking every employee out.
Miles doesn’t believe that the God account could have that much pull but changes his mind rather quickly when Rakesh realizes that the signature on the hack is Error Code 1.61, a reference to the Fibonacci Ratio. 
Shortly after, the God account suggests the Hayden Museum, and Cara, Miles, Rakesh and Jaya embark on their next journey.
Cara notices a woman who trips and spills her coffee and immediately tells Miles that she's their girl. 
She creepily follows her to the bathroom to find out what her story is. 
Fliss is a woman from Nebraska who came all the way to New York to find her soulmate, a man she met at summer camp almost twenty-years ago.
The only thing she has to go by is his name, Jim Smith, and a dated list of his favorite places in New York. 
Miles questions if this is really the kind of thing the God had in mind, however, when he finds Fliss' list of locations, he's sold. 
While Miles and Cara hit up the places on Fliss' list, Rakesh and Jaya join the Fibonacci museum tour.
During the tour, Rakesh picks up on clues that their tour guide, Bleaker, is very interested in coding and has the makings of a hacker. 
He ambushes him in his office shortly after the tour wraps and realizes he was mistaken. Bleaker isn't behind the God account, he's just using Open Code to find his star.
However, Miles runs Jim Smith's birthday through the IdentitySeal database and realizes that Rakesh was right -- Bleaker is their Jim Smith. 
When he finally breaks the news to Bleaker, Rakesh, and Jaya, Cara calls with some bad news -- she lost Fliss. 
Bleaker remembers one final location that wasn't checked off on Fliss' list, but when they get there, they realize they just missed her.
Miles remembers Fliss said she was going to get some ice cream before heading to the airport and sure enough, that's where they locate her. 
Fliss is shocked to find out they found Bleaker, and even more shocked when he breaks it to her that he can't be her soulmate because he's gay. 
On the upside, Fliss finds the courage to pursue her new adventure in New York. 
Rakesh also successful rewrites Bleaker's code to find his star, or should I say stars, which they aptly name Bleaker and Fliss. 
Miles and Cara are pretty thrown off by the day they've had, however, Miles also realizes that timing is everything. 
As he's about to ask Cara out on a date she runs into her ex-boyfriend, Eli, the same guy she referred to as "the one that got away" earlier in the episode. 
Eli suggests they "catch up" and grab drinks, and Cara is more than down which forces Miles to rethink telling her how he really feels. 
Arthur tries to put the past behind him and opts to donate a sax that was in the car when his wife passed away. 
Miles realizes that his father is giving away something valuable and picks up the sax after it's fixed. 
Arthur admits he stopped playing because of the death and both Miles and Ali encourage him to play again. 
God Friended Me
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God Friended Me Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

I see a reverend and an atheist can still surprise each other.


So, what do you say Miles? You wanna take a leap of faith?
