Important Decisions - God Friended Me
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Podcasting platform, FreeVerse, is interested in the Millenial Prophet but their offer comes with a caveat -- he must be exclusive with them. 

When he tells Cara the exciting news, she keeps her meeting with Catapult's editor-in-chief, Mr. Hughes, a secret considering he wants her to writer about the identity of the God Account. 

Will she bury the lead so that Miles can launch his podcast to a wider audience?

Miles' friend suggestion of the week is Ben Evans, a father who has fallen on hard times following his wife's death. 

Ben and his son, Max, live in their van, but when the van get towed, Ben worries he won't make it to his job interview the next day.

Miles steps in and offers to help Ben and Max get their van back.

When that proves to be unsuccesful, he allows them to spend the night in his apartment, and even stalls the employer at Ben's job interview when he has to go pick up Max at school. 

In other words, Miles will do anything to help his friend suggestion. 

The employer initially offers Ben the gig only to backtrack the offer after finding out he lied about his residence on the application. 

Even worse, a cop realizes Ben and Max are living in their van and tries to turn the kid into social services. 

Miles once again comes to the rescue and tells the cop that his father is a reverand at Harlem Episcopal. 

The cop agrees to let Ben and Max slide if they spend the night in a shelter and Ben promises to show proof of employment on Monday. 

Miles and Cara do everything to help Ben get the gig again, but they're efforts fall flat. 

Max runs away from home in search of his "castle," and as Ben is saving Max, he falls right into a job as security of said castle. 

Eventually, Ben and Max are able to get their own apartment and stay together as a family. 

Meanwhile, Rakesh tries to find the connection between Miles and Simon Hayes. 

He reaches out to Arthur who illuminates another angle for him -- Simon Hayes and the friend suggestions. 

Sure enough, Simon has a conenction to John Dove, Miles' very first suggestion. 

Dove is the surgeon who dealt with Simon's bone marrow transplant. 

Arthur is struggling with the election aspect of being nominated to Bishop of New York when the board encourages him to pivot the conversation away from his atheist son and lesbian daughter. 

Arthur ensures his children that he won't every be ashamed of them, but they encourage him to follow through on the offer because there's no one better and more open-minded for the job.


God Friended Me
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God Friended Me Season 1 Episode 17 Quotes

Arthur: I met with Lester and one of the other board members to talk about election strategy.
Trisha: And it didn't go well?
Arthur: They suggested that it might be best if I pretended not to have an atheist son and a gay daughter.

Boss: If you don't mind me asking, where are you finding them? What I mean is, these people you're profiling, they don't seem random.
Cara: Well, a good journalist never reveals their source.