On The Lot - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 4
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Beth meets with Rio and gives him the key back to the storage unit. 

Annie helps Marion around her house and realizes that Boomer wasn't paying Marion's rent and she's scheduled to be evicted. 

Beth finds out that the bank is taking most of Dean's inventory. She decides to use the dirty money to purchase cars and then sell them for cash, with Dean's involvement. She brings the ladies into the fold, by showing them the storage unit full of fake money, and they each attempt to clean the money through store purchases, but are banned from certain stores. 

Gregg tells Annie that he wants to be with her, but Annie tells him she can't do it. 

Beth realizes that Dean needs helps selling the new invetory and she and the ladies help out at the dealership. Later, Beth and Dean go to dinner and she tries to give him suggestions for the dealership but he blows her off. 

At a bar that evening, Beth sees Rio and the two have sex in the bathroom. 

Annie uses the clean money she's made to help Marion with her bills, while Ruby uses her money to pay off the quick cash loan she previously took out. 

Agent Turner goes to Mary Pat to discuss Boomer's disappearance. 

Beth goes to the storage unit, hoping to burn the money, but it's all gone. She then goes to the dealership to tell Dean, and Rio is there, demanding a cut of the profits. 

Good Girls
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Good Girls Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Beth: We got this by killing a man.
Annie: We didn't kill anyone.
Ruby: No. We just threw him away. In a trash bin, like an old, dirty futon.

Rio: I think you could be something.
Beth: I don't want to be something.
Rio: No? What you want to be then? A fireman? Astronaut?
Beth: I don't know. A good person.
Rio: No, you're way more interesting than that.
Beth: You don't know me.
Rio: I think I do.