New Opportunities - Good Trouble
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Callie is torn between Marcus and Teresa at work. Marcus is still giving her the cold shoulder and being hard on her, but she's stuck in the middle at work.

Malika finds a new job with a company that she feels is forward thinking and that she can lead in her cause. The interview goes well.

Evan pushes up the deadline for Mariana's app. It's due in 10 days.

Davia uses Callie's mug even though it has her name on it and makes a nasty joke about Callie being uptight. There is weird tension between Davia and Dennis Alice jokes about them being in love which prompts her to confide in Alice about her feelings for Dennis.

She doesn't know if Dennis would love her romantically because he never showed interest in women her size. She tells Alice she broke up with Jeff. Alice encourages her to tell Dennis the truth.

Isaac and Malika celebrate her new job. She finds out they are diving into all of her social media. She decides she has to scrub her social media.

Mariana meets Amanda the mysterious woman who left Speculate when she's out with the girls. Evan wants her to give him another presentation by late the next day even though they're already under a time crunch. Amanda tells her she was fired and it was Evan's fault.

Gael has to make a piece for a business. But he also has to do the graphics for Mariana. Elijah encourages him to focus on his art first and work second.

Jamie asks Callie to move in again. She tells him how much she likes the Coterie. She, Jamie and Mariana have dinner at Jamie's house and she has Jamie remove the painting so Mariana won't see it.

At work Callie is inspired to take a case on illegal eviction. But Teresa shuts it down. Marcus picks it up later to get back at Teresa.

Elijah talks Gael into meeting a client to talk about his art instead of helping marians with her presentation. She doesn't get his file and has to track him down. The presentation is falling apart. He finally resends it, but she left the flash drive at Jamie's. Gael goes to Jamie's to get it.

He sees his painting.

MaLika gets the job, but they want her to tone down and not tweet the BLM posts.

Alice asks Dennis if he's into Davia and she tells Davia she thinks he is.

Mariana has an outburst in front of her team telling Evan he's putting too much pressure on her and mentions him firing Amanda and his personal life .evan tells her she doesn't have all the facts.

Callie accidentally sees Mariana's group chat where the girls at the Coterie talk about her and how uptight she is including Mariana and Malika.

Gael comes home to confront Callie about the painting.

Davia goes to tell Dennis how she feels.

Good Trouble
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Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Malika: Black women are trendsetters and brand loyalists, and yet so many companies ignore us in their marketing, and that is why I love what you are doing at Penoptic Threads.
Interviewer 1: We're all about inclusivity.
Interviewer 2: We want our clients to be every voice. Every woman. Socioeconomic group--
Interviewer: 1: Binary and non-binary
Interviewer 2: True. You don't have to identify as female to find your fashion here.

Are mommy and Zaddy fighting again?
