A Goodbye Party - Good Trouble
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Mariana and Callie go to the Hunter home for a going away party for Brandon and Eliza. They agree on things they won't share and Callie is nervous about seeing Jamie again.

It's a Dutch themed party and they feel weird wearing their costumes. Carter says that he may come out to his parents and that he wants to transfer to UCLA to be with Jude.

Connor shows up. He's wait staff and it's a reunion. It makes Carter feel jealous. Later, Connor and Jude talk and catch up and they kiss. Connor sees and gets upset.

Carter tells his father that he wants to transfer at the dinner table and Jim refuses to entertain it. He then asks his wife if Carter is gay and that it could be an issue.

He catches Carter crying later. They talk about Jude and him being his boyfriend and Jim accepts it and comforts his son.

Jamie reveals that he's an Indepenent and that he quit his job. Later he shares with Callie that he didn't have a choice. They start of tense but end up having sex again before rehashing what happened and parting ways.

Corey accompanies moms and he shares that his sister needs fostering. They agree to do it.

Good Trouble
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Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Jude: Connor! What are you doing here?
Connor: I'm working the party.

No, you have to go were already here. Who cares who knows what and what anyone thinks? We're two grown-ass women we don't have to answer to anyone. But FYI, don't tell moms or anyone that I'm dating Evan.
