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The doctors try to figure out where Stephanie is. 

After the blast, Erin's leg is pinned underneath a piece of equipment and she's bleeding out. Stephanie wakes up. She is burned badly on her arms. She goes to help Erin and has to tie off the girl's leg to stop the bleeding. After that they have to find a way out of the room. Stephanie has to douse herself in a wet blanket and cover herself and Erin, then run through flames to get to the other side of the room.

She then realizes that they have to go up towards the roof. She has to carry Erin up multiple flights of stairs to get to the roof, then realizes that she can't open the door without her key card. Her key card, she dropped on the way up. She freaks out and doesn't think she can go anymore, but Erin gives her a peptalk. 

Stephanie leaves Erin in search of the keycard and returns. She's able to reach the roof and she and Erin run out, but they can't get anyone's attention. Erin's injury finally gets to her and she codes.

Jackson heads into the building again looking for Stephanie. He finds and escorts another patient out. When he ends up in a coughing fit after inhaling too much smoke, Maggie and April both yell at them because they were so concerned. Later on, April tells Maggie that she clearly has feelings for Jackson, and Jackson seems to have feelings for Maggie, too. She tells her that they should address it.

Ben runs into the building with the firefighters to find Stephanie. He heads back to the last place he saw her. They find Keith's body and follow blood up to the roof. Stephanie orders them to bring a gurney for the girl. She sticks with her until ERin is in the clear, and then collapse from her own injuries.

While being tended to, Stephanies thanks Richard for everything he taught her but decides she's tired of hospitals and wants to quit.

Eliza tells Catherine that Stephanie was only in danger because of the hospital refusing to follow protocol. Bailey finally fires Eliza for her attitude and because protocols don't always save lives. Eliza didn't realize that there is a time and a place for protocols and that when both Erin and Stephanie's lives were at risk, different methods had to be taken.

Meredith helps Nathan with a surgery and then gets him out of the building. She then tells him about Megan. He thinks she's kidding at first, but realizes she's serious. They hug in jubilation and he says he's on is way to meet Owen and Amelia at the other hospital. He leaves Meredith on good terms.

Owen and Amelia have to drive to a different hospital to pick up Megan. Owen is still in shock and feeling guilty. His PTSD is still flaring up. He checks out when they get to the place. When a woman is wheeled out on a gurney towards him, he finally smiles.

Grey's Anatomy
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