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Meredith stays with Jo until she opens up about what happened in Pittsburgh.

Jo questions her purpose and how she was destined for violence. Mer reassures her of her importance and encourages her to talk to Bailey and Alex.

Bailey and Catherine are held up in a meeting all day and everyone is wondering what is happening because they can tell it's serious.

There is a donor for Gus who flew in from London but she has severe agoraphobia and her therapist is taken away when he has an issue with his Visa. Levi is in charge of getting her back to the hospital but she refuses to leave the plane.

Owen goes to ger her or draw her blood since Gus is getting worse.

he talks ber through things and has her face time with gus and his mom. Teddy is attracted to Owen when he speaks about how he will support the donor.

she decides to tell him that she wants to be with him. She goes to his house thinking he is home but Amelia is there. She tells Amelia her feelings but her water breaks.

Owen, Levi and the donor are stuck in traffic because a heavy fog has happened. Accidents start happening and a car hits them too.

Link tells Amelia he has feelings but he needs to know if they are on the same page.

Maggie and Jackson go camping. Maggie is stung and twists her ankle and then the weather changes when they have to go to the hospital so they are stuck in the elements.

Carrie needs another risky surgery.

Catherine and Bailey call Deluca in and ask him about Gabby's surgery. They are in the meeting with the insurance company and think Mer committed insurance fraud and a felony.

Mer helps rush Gus to the hyperbaric chamber to buy him time. DeLuca and Catherine come up. DeLuca tells Mer about the fraud except he is taking the fall for her. Mer doesn't want that to happen but she can't get out of the chamber.

Grey's Anatomy
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Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 24 Quotes

Zola: How much longer is mommy staying with Aunt Jo?
Alex: Until Aunt Jo feels better.
Zola: What's wrong with Aunt Jo?

Jo: If you're not going to leave just be quiet so I can sleep.
Mer: Sorry, I had a bad dream.
Jo: How long do you plan on doing this for?
Mer: Until you talk to me.