On Assignment - Hanna Season 2 Episode 7
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Hanna removes the capsule from her arm and dyes her hair. When she receives her gun, Clara is instructed to recover Gelder's briefcase after he is assassinated. Hanna explores Mannion's phone. She learns Clara's mother is alive and living in Egypt. Gelder has gone off the grid in Barcelona so Carmichael sends Leo there to oversee the operation. Marissa is moved from Camp G. Sandy discovers Kat doesn't know where Gelder is. Clara registers movement, grabs a knife, and follows. It's Hanna and Clara finds her sitting in an empty stadium. Hanna tells Clara Utrax lied about her mother being dead. Marissa is rescued. Sandy informs Clara about the change in plans. Hanna follows Sandy to Kat. Hanna leaves Clara her mother's contact information on a postcard. Clara looks her up online then emails her. Marissa learns Mannion was killed and gets filled in on The Pioneer Group. Kat plans lunch with Gelder. Gelder wants Kat to come with him. Sandy senses something is off with Clara. Kat refuses to go. Hanna intercepts Clara who is following Gelder. Clara backs off Gelder. Hanna goes to protect Kat from Sandy. Leo arrives and consults with Clara. Kat ignores her father's texts so Sandy steals her phone and gets his address. Clara's mother doesn't email back so she leaves to complete the mission. Hanna warns Kat and she runs off. Hanna stages being hit by a car then steals it. Clara dresses as a housekeeper. Kat shows up at Gelder's hotel and Carmichael orders both killed. Kat interrupts Clara about to enter Gelder's room. Hanna throws a Utrax agent off the fire escape. Clara and Sandy enter Gelder's room. Clara won't shoot them. Hanna breaks into the room, but Sandy gets a wounded Gelder in the bedroom. Sandy kills Gelder and leaves. 

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Hanna Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

If you see Mia, take her out.

Carmichael [to Leo]

Clara: It's not our job to question what we do. It's called service.
Hanna: Serving who?
Clara: America.
Hanna: How can you serve America, Clara? You've never even been there.3