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Audrey is in a dream. It's very interesting what happens when the Sandman sends someone "away."

Seth Byrne, of the Darkside Seekers, find Duke in the trailer, but he doesn't remember Haven. 

Henry wants to keep Audrey. It's to him she's getting married in her Sandman experience. He has every intention of keeping her. 

Dwight tries to get to the bottom of Sandman's issues. Nobody cared about him when he came to them with help except for Audrey Parker, so he'll keep her. 

Little by little, Seth begins to remember Haven and the Troubles.

As Henry gets angry at Dwight, he starts to kill people. He's just playing dolls with the people he puts to sleep, and if they start to get in his way, he kills them.

While Duke tries to determine why Seth is attracted to Haven, Charlotte tries to get Henry to give her stasis. 

While Charlotte is looking at the rings for the wedding, they change before her eyes. She's very confused, and it upsets Henry.

Grayson gets weird vibes about the espresso martini and expresses them to Audrey, but she shoos him and Charlotte out of the room. Nathan is fighting for her, and almost gets through. 

Grayson realizes that he cannot hear and starts to fight with Henry. Audrey sees Henry kill Grayson, and she and Charlotte rush off. 

Audrey remembers everything, her love for Nathan most especially. She feels sorry for Henry and that really upsets him. 

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Haven Season 5 Episode 17 Quotes

If you, or someone else, comes at me in a way that I don't like, I'll rip them apart. And I'll start with Audrey Parker.


Sandman: Nobody rejects me in my world.
Dwight: Yeah, but I bet they do in the real world.