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New viewers get a chance to catch up on the show when Steve and Danny sat down for their yearly psychological review, which sounded more like couple's counseling.

Meanwhile, two joggers stumble across a drone and are killed for their trouble. The team enlists the help of Jerry to figure out where the drone came from, but when their search leads to a company with a military contract, it looks like a dead end. Then the drone shows up on a crowded beach and kills 5 more innocent people and wounds 19 others.

Jerry then reveals that the drone can be hacked with parts bought at a local hardware store. The only trouble is that he has to be pretty close to the drone to do it. When a terrorist calls up and claims responsibility, the team realizes they only have one choice to stop it: Send Steve and Danny out as bait. With the streets of Hawaii cleared and every innocent person (supposedly) under cover, the guys find a homeless man on the street. While attempting to get him to safety, Steve is shot.

Back in the precinct, Kono and Chin track down another man involved in the plot, just as Steven and Danny discover that the whole thing was a distraction to land a jet in the middle of the street as part of an elaborate getaway plan. But the plan is thwarted when Jerry gets control of the drone and uses it to crash the jet.

After everyone is safe and sound, Kono and Adam have a chat. He wants to marry her, but she's not ready yet. She wants to be sure they aren't in any more danger.

Meanwhile, two ominous-looking men are discussing a picture of Jerry. Apparently he might know something he shouldn't, in which case they will have to "take care" of him.

Chin goes to prison to visit Gabriel (Malia's brother, Chin's brother-in-law) in prison. Chin wants his help getting Internal Affairs off his back by admitting the money they think he stole never changed hands. Gabriel says he will think about it.

Danny arrives home to find a strange man in his house. The man is a friend of his brother Matt. He says Matt took something from him and Danny will have to help him get it back.

Hawaii Five-0
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