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Young Jerry witnessed a murder while at camp in 1982. He's telling this story to his friends while going back to the camp in the present day. He wants to search for the body before developers level the property. A woman watching a news story about a murder realizes that her daughter drew a picture of the crime scene three days earlier. Jerry's most likely site for the body is on the property line of Bo Bradley, who Jerry thinks is the Ax Man. McGarrett and Junior interview the girl. Katie. She says her friend Molly drew the picture. Noelani shows up to help hunt for the body with ground-penetrating radar. in 1982, Jerry breaks into Bradley's house and ran away screaming after Bradley finds him. Noelani finds a bone, but it's canine. Jerry keeps digging because he thinks there's a body underneath, while everyone else leaves as it starts pouring. Three of Katie's pictures were drawn by someone else. Katie's parents see this girl, Molly, on the monitor but she escapes. Everyone's phones and keys are missing at the camp. Tani finds a woman that may have been attacked by the murderer. McGarrett thinks the drawings may be three different redheads. Jerry found human remains, but he's being followed by someone. Gordie knocks on the door and spooks everyone. He took the keys and phones. He goes to get them, but his throat gets slashed. It's the ax man, who set the cabin on fire. They have to run out, but Bradley shoots the ax-man, who is the kids' old camp counselor. The serial killer is Molly's father, who went nuts when her mother divorced him. Jerry goes back to thank Bradley and apologizes to him. Molly's mother comes to get her. Captain Keo said the gun in Adam's house was the one that killed Noriko.   

Hawaii Five-0
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