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Molloy is served a multi-course meal, and Louis eventually joins him to have a glass of blood and continue telling his story.

After his body adjusts to the change, Louis and Lestat head to a bar for Louis to feed, and they bring home a salesman Louis kills and later regrets. When he attempts to return home, he learns that his body burns in the sunlight and returns to Lestat's.

Lestat teaches Louis about vampires' ability to read minds. And later, Louis visits home and reveals to Grace that she's pregnant with twins after hearing the heartbeats.

Louis meets with the alderman's attorney as they look to move forward on opening a new brother. The attorney is dismissive of Louis, and he kills him. This sparks conflict between Louis and Lestat.

Lestat gives Louis the money to buy the club outright to appease Louis, and the endeavor makes Louis a rich man over the years.

Louis still stays in contact with his family, though sparingly, and one evening while visiting Grace and meeting his nephew, he is tempted to kill him, leaving abruptly. Later, Lestat tells him that he needs to stop seeing his family.

With Molloy, Louis tells him that he hasn't killed anyone since 2000, eating animals and feeding on humans, which he does in Molloy's presence.

Lestat takes Louis to the opera, telling him that he wants them to stay together forever.

Lestat becomes disgusted by the tenor in the opera, believing he is doing a disservice to the music. Lestat brings him back to his house, where he serves to humiliate him before he and Louis slowly drain him.

Interview with the Vampire
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Interview with the Vampire Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Hunting is an art. You have the power to subdue anyone you want, but sometimes restraint is your most powerful weapon.

Lestat [to Louis]

Molloy: You were fucking loaded.
Louis: Beyond articulation.