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Liv is a wildly talented surgical intern with killer instincts, a hot fiancee, and her whole life ahead of her. Until she attends a boat party and falls victim to a crazed zombie attack. 

She quits her job, breaks up with her fiancee, and generally withdraws from the world. 

Her family and friends try to stage an intervention, thinking she has PTSD, and Liv struggles with the urge to tell them the truth: she's a zombie now. 

She now works at the morgue instead of the hospital because it provides her an easy and immediate supply of brains from the dead bodies. Her coworker, Ravi, figures her out pretty easily and becomes determined to find a cure for her. 

Detective Babineaux stops by to identify a dead body, and Liv starts to have flashes of memories from the most recent brain she ate. She helps identify the dead girl, claiming to be a psychic to explain how she knows bizarre personal details. 

Together, they help uncover that the girl is a prostitute, and Liv joing the investigation in earnest.

At first, Liv thinks that a local weather man is behind the murder, but more memory flashes plus some detective work leads straight to another detective in Babineaux's department. Liv and Babineaux team up to save two more prostitues that the dirty cop has kidnapped. 

When he tries to escape, Liv tries to stop him but he shoots her. Suddenly channeling extra zombie speed and strength, Liv runs his car off the road and nearly eats him alive before Babineaux shows up and stops her. 

After Liv realizes Ravi might be able to find a cure for her, she tries to reconnect with Major. She's heartbroken when she sees him with another girl and realizes that he won't wait forever. 

Back at home, she has another memory/vision about a guy she met on the boat, and Liv realizes she is not the only zombie in the world. 

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iZombie Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

I have so many questions. First, why the hot sauce? Is that a zombie thing?


I don't have post-traumatic stress. I have post-traumatic ennui. Post-traumatic defeatism. Post-traumatic 'what's the point?'
