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Hope made her way to Mystic Falls High, and found herself working with Alaric to take down a troll. 

Things took a turn when Alaric tried to save Hope without thinking about it. He admitted that he thought it was muscle memory. 

Hope said it would be painful for her to tell him the truth so they were best staying apart. 

The pair came together again and bonded. Hope admitted some of the truth and that she needed to get out of town. 

Alaric tried to get Hope to go to the school to keep tabs on everyone for him. 

Landon and Josie had their first date and found themselves at an impasse. 

Landon then bumped into Hope and they got closer, but Landon returned to Josie and they made things right. 

Lizzie was taken aback by the arrival of a hot new vampire, and started to wonder who the man was. 

When she tried to track him, he returned and told her to stop. 


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Legacies Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Josie: I thought you said yoga was for lazy people.
Lizzie: I did. But spending the summer with mom opened my eyes to all kinds of new experiences. Plus, since using that ascendant thingy is off the table, we agreed to stop worrying about future merge crap, right?
Josie: Right.
Lizzie: So, I'm all about the present. I have decided to be permanently open to any opportunity that comes my way. This is my semester of yes, and I am available for literally anything.

Lizzie: This is so lame, universe. I can't believe I got stood up by Milton Greasley. This is what I get for assuming that you'd send something ama-
[Lizzie notices Sebastian.]
Lizzie: Zing. Hello. You must be new.
Sebastian: What is this place?
Lizzie: Oh, this is the old mill. I mean, it's the only mill, but we also call it the old mill for some reason. I hope you're not here to chill. I mean, I don't care, either way. What's your name? I thought I knew all the incoming students.
Sebastian: Is this a school of some kind?
Lizzie: The Salvatore School, named after Damon and Stefan Salvatore, I guess. But that was like a long time ago, or whatever.
Sebastian: I see.
Lizzie: So, you're not a student.
Sebastian: No.
Lizzie: Okay, well then, who are you? Are you okay? Do you want to sit down?
Sebastian: No, no, I'm fine. You should, you should keep your distance.
Lizzie: I'm not going to hurt you.
Sebastian: That isn't what I'm afraid of. I'm sorry, I should go.
Lizzie: Wait, what's your name?
Sebastian: Sebastian.