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A trade deal with Sri Lanka goes off the tracks when the president's tea reader says the spirits have put a kibosh on the deal. Jay and Kat find out that the spiritual advisor's new brother-in-law runs a telecom company that was going to be left out of the deal, and find a way to discretely get the brother's company included and to communicate that to the psychic. The deal is back on,, but only temporarily. The Chinese used the disruption to court the Sri Lankans with their own deal. Elizabeth manages to get the president back in bed with the US when she figures out that a big negotiating point in the Chinese deal was paying off the president's personal debts. She threatens to expose him if he doesn't sign the US deal. But after she gets him to agree, Hurst decides to back out. She doesn't trust the Sri Lankan president, and doesn't think the deal is good for the US anymore, even though pulling out disrupts the Indian Ocean strategy the state department has been working on. Elizabeth manages to pull one last trick out of the hat, folding the US side of the telecom deal into a bilateral trade negotiation that was already in the works with Indonesia. 

Kat asks Elizabeth if she's ever considered running for president, but doesn't get a reply.

The psychic tells Daisy that a lost love will be coming back to her, giving Matt hope for their romance. Jay questions if he's in love with Daisy or if Matt just sees her and Joanna as a ready made family for him. As Matt acknowledges his feelings for his ex, she gets a call from Oliver Shaw. 

Henry quits his job because he's frustrated with the gang of eight and he fears that Morejon's personal dislike of him is interfering with national security.

Allison comes home seeking some space from her roommate, but when she returns to the dorm to find Lucinda has attempted suicide, she feels extremely guilty. Elizabeth starts to worry that Allison might also be depressed and suicidal. Henry is the voice of reason at first, but they both end up rushing to her campus when she doesn't respond to their calls only to find out that she spent the day talking to advisors about commuting from DC for the rest of the semester. 

Madam Secretary
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Madam Secretary Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

You are a moron, Jason.


Jay: The Secretary's comments at the Model UN conference?
Matt: "May you continue to be more functional than your real world counterpart." In progress.