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Rick is involved in a robbery and fights the bad guys but loses.

Magnum is on his way to the house that got robbed at Rick's request. When Toni goes to get ice, Rick tells Magnum what happened. It was a high stakes poker game.

There's a flashback to them getting robbed and Rick flirting with Toni.

There was $260,000 in the safe that was stolen. Toni has to cover the losses. The mob guy was up $170,000 and wants the cash by the next afternoon.

Magnum agrees to help Rick find the money.

Rick is visiting a friend in jail to tell him about what happened and he's called for being stupid about Toni. Rick is hoping this friend can give a call to the mob guy but he says no. 

TC and Magnum are checking out hotel cameras to see if they can see anything when Rick comes in.

Magnum and Higgins pretend to be married to find out information. Magnum and Higgins cause a scene. Higgins takes on an American accent as they are trying to download hotel files.

Higgins and the gang watch the files Higgins downloaded. They're able to grab the license plate of the getaway car.

The three guys head to the driver's place but all they find are a couple of dead guys. They survey the scene. magnum is starting to have suspicions about Toni.

Could love be blind?

Rick heads to Toni's place after he gets a call. Someone busted her car up. Rick asks Toni if she was in the on the robbery. Rick wants to know if she feels something for him and she says she does.

TC and Magnum go looking for a guy named Franks. Katsumoto calls Magnum to find out about the two dead guys.

Charlie Banks is at the house they visit but takes off and TC and Magnum go chasing.

The guys stop Banks and find he has a bagful of money. He denies killing the other two guys.

The two guys that were killed were soldiers. Katsumoto wants to talk to Magnum about what's going on.

Magnum decides to let Charlie go but they take the money and bring it to Rick.

Magnum isn't convinced the case is over. he thinks there's something else the robbers were after.

They learn that Russell Chang is in slave labor and he might be the killer.

TC and Magnum head to the bank and find Chang who runs when he sees them. The briefcase he has is full of passports.

Magnum turns Chang into Katsumoto.

Chang doesn't want to talk. He wants to talk to his lawyer. Katsumoto threatens Chang's wife and kids and Chang gives him the information he wants.

Magnum and friends, including Higgins and Katsumoto find the boat where all the people are that Chang was using and free them.

Teri visits Rick as he's celebrating a successful mission with the gang. She's leaving the island and their romance is over before it even began.







Magnum P.I.
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Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Rick: It's different when you have feelings for a friend.
Magnum: I get it.

No skirt is worth a bullet between the eyes.
