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Rick, TC, and Magnum are prepping to get Magnum out of jury duty.

Magnum is a jury selection, and he's called out by the judge. Higgins calls out Magnum for lying. One of the women from the court (the defendant's mom) visits Magnum tot seek his help to prove her son's innocence.

The mom gives Magnum all her information. He has 24 hours to prove his innocence before Josh takes a plea deal.

TC and crew arrive at a house they were building for a vet that had stolen stuff before it could be finished. TC, Shammy, and Rick are looking at surveillance video to see if they can find out what happened.

Magnum is talking to the defense attorney. Magnum wants to talk to Josh, and he does.

Higgins is helping Magnum with the case offering a different perspective.

Magnum goes to the bank to check out the stalker guy Josh described. Higgins is with him.

The guy is belligerent and refuses to answer questions. His name is Trey.

Magnum calls Katsumoto and tells him what he knows.

Magnum checks out Josh's apartment. Brianna is there. Magnum is threatened by someone regarding Trey.

Magnum tells Josh not to make a plea deal yet to give me more time and shares the description of the guy who threatened him.

Magnum tries to stop the court by one day and he gets arrested for contempt of court.

Magnum calls Higgins and Katsumoto gets him out of jail.

TC and friends are still investigating the stolen appliances. Shammy is on lookout while TC and Rick decide to seal back the stuff. Shammy starts whistling but the guy catches them. They all leave without appliances.

Katsumoto gives Magnum and Higgins some information. Magnum arrives at an apartment building and confronts the guy who threatened him. He and Jonny get into a fight while Higgins is downstairs making a phone call. 

In another apartment, Higgins is fighting another guy. She's kicking some major ass. Magnum is racing to try to help her but she overtakes the guy and he goes flying out the window. It was Hawaiian syndicate.

Magnum gives Katsmoto Rudy Wong's phone. They arrest the bank director. Katsumoto finds out more information about how Libby died. But there's no proof that they were all involved so Josh isn't in the clear yet.

TC and friends get a surprise at the house -- someone drops off all the stolen appliances.

Magnum meets with bank owner to try to make a deal. Magnum busts into court with evidence AGAIN. Why can't he just go through regular channels. The bank manager has decided to testify.

Josh is free. Case dismissed.

Magnum and Higgins join the ribbon cutting for the new house for Brad.







Magnum P.I.
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Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 16 Quotes

Mr. Magnum, you have 24 hours to prove my son's innocence.

Josh's mom

My gut tells me Josh didn't do it, and I have to follow my gut. That's what Brianna hired me to do.
