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Provenza reviews the case. He thinks they will get Graff eventually. Raydor doubts Graff would help with the courtroom killings as it brings heat to him. Dwight's murders were all purposeful and deliberate, except for the killing of his attorney. Sanchez is called away and Provenza and Sharon continue discussing the case.

The CPS worker tells Sanchez that Mark's grandparents want to adopt Mark. Sanchez is upset. The CPS worker says Mark will be given to his grandparents tomorrow. Sanchez is near tears.

Tao thinks the timing is suspicious because Calderone was appointed just as Dwight told Dr Joe he had discovered who his father was.

Chief Howard tells Sharon they are going to name a new building after Chief Taylor.

The undercover knows a Neo-Nazi who is  being interviewed. He doesn't want to blow his cover by interrogating the guy. But Sharon and Howard want him to. Provenza tells him that's an order. The Neo Nazi is shocked that Nolan is a cop.  The Neo Nazi wants to talk in exchange for immunity and Witness Protection. Hobbs agrees as long as Patrick doesn't implicate himself and does implicate Graff. Patrick says Graff sent them all to the the Thai takeout. Graff is nuts in his opinion. Sharon wants Buzz to transfer the videos from the shootings. She wants to see Calderone's shooting. Seven people had already been shot. Sharon thinks Calderon knew the gun was loaded.

Buzz has done age progression on Bill Jones' photo and he has found a private Facebook page. Jones appears to work for some dealership. Rusty wants to find the dealership and bring him in but Provenza thinks it's too soon for that. The cops leave and Rusty starts searching the Internet himself for the dealership.

The cops think someone was trying to put the Neo-Nazis out of business with this conspiracy. Apparently Calderon showed up right after Dwight fired his last attorney. Calderon mainly defended truckers who got caught trafficking drugs and weapons. These truckers worked for Bullhood Trucking. Dwight's mom was on the board of directors, as was Jordan Graff. Ms. Darnell lied about having any connection to these people. Tao is already investigating Bullhood. Buzz can get interviews between Dwight and Calderon but no sound.

Tao says that the FBI was already investigating Bullhood so he got all this info.

Bullhood appears to have a diverse employment pool and only link to the Neo-Nazis is Graff and his predecessor.

Buzz has the video Sharon requested. It looks like Dwight was fighting with Calderon for a while. But eventually Calderon calmed him down. Simms was not in the room. Hobbs thinks maybe Simms told Dwight to kill Calderon but Calderon told Dwight to kill Simms -- but who was behind all of this?

At home, Flynn has a report on Bullhood. There is evidence of smuggling. Calderon is dead so if these people are arrested, they will probably call Graff.

Rusty shows up. He investigated the car dealership and got a bottle of water and a business card. Flynn is impressed. Sharon is upset because Rusty put himself in harm's way.

Mark wants to run away because he feels Sanchez is giving up on him. He asks what he did wrong. Sanchez explains this is just the way it is. Mark doesn't like his grandparents. He likes Sanchez. Mark freaks out when he sees Graff. He says Graff yelled at his mom before.

The cops start to read Graff his rights but he stops them and wants to know what he's charged with.  The cops have a long list and Sykes warns him that he may be charged with Special Circumstances. Graff says they have to prove this and he's not going to prison. He wants to hear "options" Hobbs is not very interested but she says she'll see.

Provenza asks about Ms. Darnell. Graff says she gets paid a lot for nothing. Simms forced him to keep the trucking company. He has never met his partner because he worked through Simms who is dead.

The SWAT team raids the trucking company. One guy refuses to put his hands up and Flynn confronts him. Everyone is made to put their hands up while they execute the search warrant. Ms. Darnell is arrested for trafficking.

Provenza updates Sharon about Buzz's case. Buzz and Provenza go to talk to the suspect while Rusty and Gus watch from afar. Bill's wife and child come to the door. Bill is in the backyard. The wife lets them into the house and Buzz slowly walks through, looking at everything. 

Buzz and Provenza go to talk to Bill but he sees Bill playing softball with his son. Buzz isn't sure he wants to do this. Provenza goes ahead and starts accusing Bill in front of his son. Bill sends his son into the house. He says he'll do what they want if they let him say goodbye to his kids and don't cuff him. They give him a few minutes. Bill goes inside. Buzz looks upset. Provenza goes to supervise. Buzz looks at the softball equipment.

Rusty thinks Buzz must be happy.

Dwight's mother thinks this happened because Dwight didn't have a father. Sharon says everyone who knows who Dwight's father was has been killed or attacked except Ms. Darnell. Sharon asks if it's because Dwight's father is still in love with her. Sharon says she knows who Dwight's father is. Howard wonders if Sharon is bluffing.

It turns out Dwight's father is the Housing Authority guy who is not white.

Ms. Darnell is sent with a letter for Martin Borja. The cops are watching and are there to help protect her. Ms. Darnell asks if Borja told Dwight to kill the people in the courtroom. Martin tells her his son was weak and better off dead. They're legit now because Dwight killed all those people. The cops are about to move in for the arrest when suddenly Ms. Darnell decides to shoot and kill Borja. She shoots him a lot of time. She is arrested.

Gus and Rusty are excited for Buzz. Buzz doesn't want to do his interview for Rusty's series. 

Mark tearfully tells the CPS worker he's sorry he said bad things about her. He begs her to let him stay with Julio. He says he'll be good if they let him stay.  Julio tells Mark that he has to go with his grandparents for his safety. Mark wants him to have his book so he won't forget him.  Mark looks very sad as he leaves. So does Julio.

Howard doesn't think he can do Taylor's job. Sharon is also happy where she is. Howard wants Nolan to be in her department while he's waiting to testify.

Borjas' wife won't sue because she understands that her husband's business is being audited. Ms. Darnell will be sent to the Feds.

Flynn has severe chest pain and collapses He is given aspirin as Howard calls 911.

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Major Crimes Season 5 Episode 13 Quotes

Look, Mark has his own room in my house, and I bought him a bike helmet so that he can learn to ride my bike and we're getting him caught up on his reading and spelling.


What if Calderon was targeted too?
