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Letty is sneaking around the Broken Saints compound, looking for all the information she can get on their drug operation.

She's caught but manages to explain it away as using the same toilet as countless other women isn't up her street.

She goes to Isaac and tells him everything and then she asks about Hope being set free.

He laughs in her face and says it's not happening and laughs even more that she has no one.

This does not sit well with her, so she waits until they leave and sneaks in to find Hope. She escapes but Hope knows there's no way forward and kills herself to set Letty free.

Alvarez gets wind of two of his former brothers getting murdered and goes to the leader of SAMCRO for answers.

When he's told that some of his men killed them, he's distraught and sets out on a mission to get answers, and vengeance.

E.Z.'s mental health is slipping in the wake of having to make the call to kill Creeper, so he's trying to push himself into work.

Things then take another turn when Katie shows up at Creeper's funeral and looks him in the eye before running off.

Miguel visits Felipe and tells him that even though the man who raised him had his flaws, he can still call him his father because he was there.

As Felipe tries to talk to him, he leaves.

Angel shows up and says he can't stay in the house without Luisa and Felipe tells him that the house is theirs.


Mayans M.C.
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