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  • Nicky is spending time with Jamie and asks him to be patient with her as they move slowly since its only been two months since Clive's disappearance.
  • Sheriffs find Clive's car.
  • Albie wants to move Kitt and Ana onto the property while Nicky still has her suspicions. They still haven't told Gigi and Luke.
  • Nicky wants to prepare Tatum for the Deb ball, something she doesn't want to do because she's still worried about her father.
  • Albie drops in on Tripp. Tripp tells Albie that they found Clive's car and the working theory is that Clive got lost in the canyon after getting drunk, but Tripp tells them that there was blood in the car, just a drop.
  • Albie talks to Luke about the blood and they recap the night. They realize that Nicky is the one who moved the car first and the blood may be hers from her split lip
  • Nicky has lunch with Catt and wants to know what her deal is.
  • Gigi talks to Tatum about the Deb ball . She has flashbacks to when she came out to Dottie and Dottie told her to keep quiet.
  • Nicky and Jamie meet with Luke to talk about Ace and him not being ready for the limelight because of his anxiety. Jamie suggests a lowkey  event like the deb ball. Luke begrudgingly agrees to it.
  • Luke is still suspicious of Jamie even though Nicky tries to reassure him that Jamie is fine.
  • Gigi shows up at the pool party in a revealing bathing suit and checks all the people who talk about her.
  • Katt notices that Ace and Ana are too close and they're trying to run off together.
  • Tatum takes a stand at the pool party and saying screw the patriarchy on her dress.
  • Jamie takes Nicky away after everything and they spend the night together and he says he's trying to take care of her.
  • Albie goes to talk to Tripp and says that the blood belongs to him and tells Tripp to cover it up. Tripp says his hands are tied.
  • Albie lays his threat. and implies that Tripp only has everything that he got because of him and some debt between them.
  • Ace and Ana make out in a fieild together and plan to have sex. He loses his virginity to her.
  • Gigi apologizes to the reporter and gives her an exclusive.
  • Ace announces that he has anxiety and that's why he has a hard time performing but he gives a big performance at the event.
  • Luke notices Nicky and Jamie kissing
  • Jamie does the father daughter dance with Tatum. And Albie does it with Ana.
  • They name Tatum the queen even though she wasn't great at it and Katt gets upset, but Nicky goes an announces that Ana won after she hears from Marty that Katt really is her sister. She tells Gigi and Luke the news too.
  • Tripp goes through with running the blood in the car.
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Monarch Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

I understand revenge. I understand greed. I do not understand the woman who doesn't want something.

Nicky [to Katt]

Hey, Albie. I don't want you to worry. DNA always tells a story, so if that blood is something or there's more to all this than we know, it's going to tell us.
