Back to the Mechanic - Monsieur Spade
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Algeria, 1956

Philippe is whistling the same tune he whistled when he picked up Zayd. He’s got a huge gun, lays down for the shot, and fires. He has shot a man who is tied to a tree. He wanders over and eats the melon in front of him. The kid asks if he’s insane. Philippe shows him a photo, asking who he is. Philippe will keep walking back and forth until he gets his answer. Looks like he was shooting watermelon off the kid’s head. The next melon will be his head. The kid remains silent and Philippe begins walking away. Wait!

A man in the village sees Sister Angelique walking around in street clothes. But it’s not her. He is mistaken. Or is he? She kicks him in the face after knocking him down with a gun.

He follows her to see where she goes. She knocks on a door with the same tune Philippe whistles. He opens the door, and they kiss.

They are waiting for a call from a mysterious Mr. Kahn. The boy is on the bed, his face in the corner, all of the writing round him.

She cleans a gunshot wound in his gut. He says when he sits behind his long rifle with another man in his sites, he feels nothing. His job requires it. She thinks he’s scaring Zayd, but nobody will hurt him because he’s too valuable.

Philippe, though, is skilled but not valuable. She quotes Nietzsche, and he wonders if she’s ever read it.

She is Angelique’s sister. She says that Philippe gave her too much responsibility, and the girl died for it. She was supposed to make sure the convent was safe.

Sam wants a swim, but the pool has been drained after the dead body. Henri is retracing his steps to find his book. Teresa pretends she has never seen it.

Helena clucks at Sam for pretending not to care but caring for Teresa. He’s not worried about her as much as he is Henri.

Teresa and Henri are at the cemetery. They visit Gabrielle. Sam is right behind them.

Zayd is watching the woman dry off through the glass bathroom door. Philippe’s mother was a whore, apparently. She became pregnant by the hotel manager, and it screwed up her life. They threaten each other’s lives, which is an odd way to flirt.

Philippe will sell the boy to someone who is less busy than the man on the phone. He says that if the guy is late, he’s promised his friend she can kill the kid.

When Sam gets home, the clock on the mantle chimes and something is triggered. He pulls down the painting and cuts open the back, finding the bug. He eyes Helena suspiciously, but he’s really looking at the newer painting, which he sliced up to find another bug. He makes a fake call to get the culprits to the lake.

When they drive away, right past him, mind you, he breaks into their garage. It’s quite the operation. There are tons of photos and drawings of the estate and plenty of maps and equipment. As he’s inside, there’s a shadow. It’s George. He says it’s embarrassing. George says they only pretend to be idiots. He tosses an ax across the room at Sam.

They’re there because of Teresa and what she knows about the kid. They followed Sister Angelique to the convent. He lays out the reasons they’re around and how they came to see Teresa. They circle each other in the garage. It’s dizzying. When Sam tries to leave, George flips him on his back before the Mrs. arrives.

Jean-Pierre drinks in the club. Samir asks after the boy, which aggravates him.

The man who followed Angelique’s sister (Claude) knocks on Sam’s door. Nobody answers, but Teresa is nearby. She wonders why he wants to see Sam.

The Fitzsimmons reads in Sam to Zayd’s adventures. The boy has been moved from one high-powered family to another since he was born. Angelique was the boy’s nanny. The one in town is Gazala. Mrs. wonders if they should trust him and share what they know or not. Apparently, the boy is a master cryptographer. He can crack any code and create any of his own. He’s believed to be the next coming of a divine confidante of Allah. Evidence proves he could be this diety-adjacent person.

Sam wonders how Philippe found his way into the middle of this.

Gazala is the only person who can verify that the boy is the real deal. Sam knows the only reason they want him is to crack codes for them rather than others. The Fitzsimmons do not expect to allow him to leave. Mrs. F proposes a relationship, a proposal which is paused when Teresa appears in his car. It’s his escape.

Jean-Pierre is sleeping with a gun in his hand. Marguerite wants to talk about what he went through in the war, but he won’t talk about it. She will cook him breakfast for dinner since he never had it, but he calls her to him, and they kiss, for real this time.

Philippe and Gazala sit listening to music streaming in from outside, and Philippe remembers meeting Marguerite for the first time. He tells her that if she really loves Jean-Pierre, she should run back to Paris and never look back. He says they will make each other miserable. Philippe stays because he’s trapped.

Dogs bark outside, and Philippe grabs his gun. Sam is coming to their door, and the two of them have their guns drawn. Sam does, as well. Just outside the door, Philippe begins to cough. He starts opening the door, but the guy Philippe knocked down in the alley steps inside the doorway. Sam backs off and leaves.

Philippe goes back to the car and tells Teresa the place is empty. It’s a dead end. He wonders if she wants to get a drink. She most assuredly does. She hopes to smoke or drive, too, but he says definitely not.

Jean-Pierre walks down the road next. He’s got his gun ready, too. What a busy alley!

Teresa plays the drums while Sam talks to Marguerite about Teresa’s future. Marguerite says he knows what to do. He’s always known. Sam wants to do anything but own up to the fact he and Teresa belong together.

Marguerite breaks the news to him — the likelihood that he’s Philippe’s daughter is nil. She belongs to Sam, and that’s why Brigid put him in charge of her future.

Jean-Pierre visits Philippe. He’s feeling guilty about Zayd. Philippe says he’s already saved Jean-Pierre’s life and proven his loyalty, so just walk away. He doesn’t, and Philippe pushes him down the stairs. He’s not dead yet, but as he lay there, he remembers seeing the crying woman. She begins unbuttoning her dress, but Jean-Pierre stops her. His fellow soldiers, though, point their weapons at him. They begin raping her. Before he dies, Jean-Pierre asks for forgiveness, and then Philippe shoots him.


Monsieur Spade
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Monsieur Spade Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Some Shiite scholars have come to the conclusion that the boy is the Mahdi, a spirit close to Allah who can disappear and reappear whenever he chooses. Evidently, this particular Mahdi’s arrival could announce the end of times. Of course, the Sunni Ahlus Sunnah believes the child has come to earth to restore the purity of the faith.

Mrs. Fitzsimmons

Gazala: You are like the hunting dog; well-trained for the hunt, but when the hunt is over, no one wants you in the house.
Philippe: [grabs her throat] Except that the kinds of hunts for which I am ordained are never over.
Gazala: You confuse skill with value. And one doesn’t get to simply declare one’s own value.