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John Sander shows up to examine Lucy's bones.

Nancy sorts through Lucy Sable's files. Lucy's ghost shows up and points Nancy in the direction of the knives set in the pantry. One is missing, Nancy thinks her mother might have had something to do with Lucy's murder.

Nancy sends a sample of her hair to John's lab so they can compare it with the second set of DNA found on Lucy's crown.

Bess figures out that Nancy slept with Owen and the rest of the Drew Crew overhear.

The cops, including a detective, Abe Tamura, show up at The Claw with a search warrant. He has taken over the Tiffany Hudson case.

Nancy notices discrepancies in Ryan's emails to Lucy. Ace tracks the IP address to Lisbon, where Everett Hudson was at the time of the email.

Ryan tells Nancy that his relationship with Lucy was kept a secret from his parents. He came to Horseshoe Bay the night Lucy was murdered, but he arrived after she died.

Nancy and Ryan go to Ryan and Lucy's spot -- an ice cream shop. A worker there tells them that Lucy came in the day she died, and that Everett's car was following her.

Nancy and Ryan confront Everett. He tells them that he reminded her to stay away from his family the day she died. He dropped her off at her house where Karen was waiting for her and the two argued.

Nancy visits Karen in prison. Karen explains that she rigged the Sea Queen for her, making Lucy mad at her.

Nancy and Ryan go to the Sable house. Lucy does her best to keep them out.

Nancy finds Lucy's journal and an entry from the day she died.

Nancy is called to the stand at Carson's evidentiary hearing. She reads from Lucy's journal. Lucy committed suicide. She stole the knife from Carson's house, which is why his fingerprint was on it.

The Judge dismisses the charges against Carson.

McGinnis tells Ace that he is moving away from Horseshoe Bay.

George and Nick kiss.

Bess discovers that one of Lucy's bones is missing. Abe has it.

John has news for Nancy.

Nancy confronts Carson. He tells her that him and Katherine received a call from Lucy the night she died. They met her at the cliff.

She had just given birth to a child, and Ryan was the father. She gave the Drews the child to raise it as their own, and she jumped off the ledge.

That baby was Nancy, confirmed by the DNA Nancy sent to John's lab.

Nancy Drew
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Nancy Drew Season 1 Episode 16 Quotes

Ace: Bone time.
John: It's pronounced forensic analysis.

It's all I could find. The Halloween box felt a little on the nose.
