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Nancy, Nick, and Karen watch the security footage and see Josh walk away from the crime scene. 

It's Harbor Day in Horseshoe Bay, which is the anniversary of the day the first ship arrived. The city cancels all events while the police are searching for Joshua. 

Owen and Nancy seek out Ryan's old roommate to get evidence that he murdered Lucy. Nancy pretends to be Owen's assistant and they gather information about Ryan and Lucy's relationship. 

Nick and Ace try to figure out how Josh got the rare poison that killed Tiffany. They suspect that he stole the batch Claire made from the police station. 

Dead Lucy gives Nancy visions, and Nancy believes she's trying to lead her to her bones.

Nancy, Ace, and Nick sneak into police evidence and discover that Claire's poison was swapped out with water. Nancy realizes that Karen was behind it. Karen attempts to arrest Nancy, but Ace proves to the cops that there was a switch by drinking the contents of the vial. 

Karen admits to Nancy that she gave Josh the poison for Ryan because she also believes Ryan is behind Lucy's death. The police arrest her. 

Nancy suspects that the real murderer left clues on Lucy's bones, so she decides to call on a spirit to help her find them. 

The Drew Crew, along with Owen, partake in a ritual to summon the spirit. Lucy's bones wash up on shore, but Owen's life is the toll. They pull him out of the water before he is killed, leaving the toll unpaid. 

Nancy takes Owen back to his place. They kiss and end up having sex. 

Since Nick's home is still a crime scene, George offers to let him stay at her place. 

Nancy coughs up water and seaweed. 

Nancy Drew
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Nancy Drew Season 1 Episode 15 Quotes

I wanted to get justice for Lucy. She was my best friend.


I've been leaving messages. Is she okay? Who let her go confront a murderer by herself?
