Digging Deeper - Naomi
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Naomi leaves home to stay with Annabelle and tells her about her parents being aliens. She also reveals the information to Dee and Zumbado and discovers that Zumbado already knew.

It's revealed Greg and Jennifer are from Earth-29 but do not possess powers.

Mac, an ally of Brutus, visits Akira. She tells Akira that she knows about Naomi, and Brutus wants her help defeating her. Akira says no.

Greg tells Zumbado that the military is still after Naomi, and the two travel to STAR labs, where Zumbado erases Naomi's energy there.

Naomi and Annabelle travel into the woods to Naomi's birth rock, and she discovers something inside. She extracts a cube, and she decides to travel to the outpost aliens converge at to get some answers about it.

Skipping school, Lourdes drives her to the outpost, but when she shows the cube at the door, people hound her before Akira shows up to save her.

Akira reveals that the cube is a transmatter cube she created that allows travel between the worlds and dimensions. Akira hit it in case Naomi ever wanted to go back.

Naomi is caught at the comic book store by the Principal, who calls Greg and Jennifer to the school. Naomi once again refuses to go home with them.

Akira tells Zumbado that Mac is there, but Zumbado doesn't believe that Akira wants to help Naomi.

Naomi goes to a rave party that Lourdes invites her two. While the two dance, Lourdes goes in to kiss her, but Naomi backs away, sighting her relationship with Nathan. She is then approached by Mac, who forces her outside, where the two fight before Akira and Zumbado arrive, causing Mac to flee.

Naomi returns home but still isn't ready to talk to her parents.

Akira and Zumbado vow to protect Naomi and the people she loves.


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Naomi Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

War is coming, Akira. I suggest you choose the winning side.


Annabelle: Your parents are aliens?
Naomi: I know.
Annabelle: Is this what it feels like to go through an existential crisis? I thought I wouldn't have one til my twenties.