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Oliver Crane is shot at while meeting a witness about a series of vigilante murders. Hannah's old partner Liam Somers drops by. The other person shot with Oliver was an assistant district attorney. Pride and Hannah visit Crane's loft, which has been tossed. Pride finds a flash drive hidden in a fake journalism award. Crane was investigating a series of murders that he felt were mishandled by the police, leading to vigilante justice instead. Pride and Hannah find Crane alive and accessing his Cloud account from a library. Jimmy lets Hannah know Liam has fallen off the wagon and is getting drunk at the Tru Tone. Liam tells Hannah the truth about an old case of theirs which shocks her. Pride and Hannah interrogate Steve Betros about his murder index. He started it because his sister was killed. The man he suspected of killing her was later killed, and Betros was a suspect. Loretta finds four dead murder suspects that could have been vigilante killings. The theory is that the vigilantes are committing murders for each other. Pride and LaSalle check out a support group for relatives of murder victims, led by a former trooper. Liam is back at the Tru Tone again to meet with Hannah. She has found out that the CIA suspended Liam because he wouldn't leave the investigation alone. He asked her to help him look into it. She agrees to meet hear him out when he's sober. Pride and LaSalle follow Betros to his office but he gets shot by his companion. The man who shot him was Guy DeWalt. He's going after Wallace Fanning, who Betros's murder index now says killed DeWalt's friend. Pride and LaSalle catch up to DeWalt and overcome him. Liam split without talking with Hannah again, although he did leave a voicemail. 

NCIS: New Orleans
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NCIS: New Orleans Season 5 Episode 14 Quotes

Hannah: Liam? Everything OK?
Liam: Yeah, Never better.

Mom, I think Dad would like this house better too.

Naomi [to Hannah]